Chapter 10

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Oakland's Greatest: Chapter 10

~2 Weeks Later~

It was the first day of school and I couldn't explain to you how much I just wanted to shoot up the school so I wouldn't have to deal with everyone and their bullshit.

I was already dressed and shit so I was walking to school. I saw the apartment lights off at Varo's so he must have already left. Lexis was already gone because he had track practice before school, I know. I don't get why he would have track practice before school but aye that ain't my business.

So what happened with Mariah? Nothing happened. We're just friends, I'm more focused with Heather and I's relationship. For starters we're actually on good terms. Since that night we haven't yelled or cheated. It's only been 2 weeks but we're off to a good start.

I'm starting to feel like my life is finally starting to stabilize itself.

Anyways; The first day of school was a C day so all our classes were shorter than usual. When I arrived onto campus I saw my boys. They were easy to spot since they were all decked out in red, like me.

"Ready for another year of IHS?" Varo asked with a laugh as I dapped him.

"Hell yeah, we got our desks on reserve. You gonna get in trouble today?" I asked.

"If a nigga pisses me off. You?"

"I get a feeling some dipfuck'll say some kind of shit to me. I just already know." I felt a pair of arms slither around me. "Hey Heather." I said with a smile as I turned around to see her smile.

"Spanish please." She said so sweetly.

"Buenos días mi amorcito." (Good morning my sweetheart) I said as I kissed her forehead.

"Ew, I 'ont wanna hear that lovey dovey shit." Varo complained.

"Oh give me a break, lord only knows what the fuck you say in spanish." Lexis said with a roaring laugh.

"I say a lot of sexy shit in spanish cause I got that voice for it. I'm a dip, peace y'all." Just like that he made himself scarce.

"What does he say-"

"Heather I don't want to know what he says. If it's anything like what he says in english, we don't need to hear it in spanish."

"I couldn't agree anymore. We're gonna dip too." Javier said. I nodded my head and watched the rest of 'em walk off.

"I can't wait till I know spanish. I wanna be able to understand everything you say." Heather said as she grabbed my hand.

"You don't care what it means, you just like the sound of me speaking it." As we walked hand in hand, a lot of females were mad mugging Heather but she didn't give one single shit about it.

"Yeah that's actually true. You just have the perfect accent with it. I can never get enough of it."

"Wanna ditch first?" I asked.

"Ditch first? Why?"

"I got an idea in mind. You'll love it too, just ditch with me."

"Alright fine-"

"You gotta be quiet though or we'll get caught." She nodded her head and I led her towards the gym. I knew a lot of secret places at this school and this one was the most secluded.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Go straight behind the bleachers and there's a door that leads to a storage closet. Go there." I whispered to her just before she got to the bleachers. She went right where I told her and now we were alone in the storage closet.

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