Chapter 1

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Oakland's Greatest: Chapter 1

~1 Year Later~
~Trell P.O.V.~

"Good Mornin' TJ." I said as I scooped up TJ from his crib. We gave him the nick name TJ so it would be easier for him to learn his name, which it seemed to have worked.

I loved walking into his room and seeing his smile. There was something about him that made him different, I can't quite explain but when I hold him, it's not like how I hold Aldo or Elizabeth.

"Daddy!" He said as he wrapped his little arms around my neck.

"You got him already huh?" I heard Missy's sweet voice from the door way. Missy was my perfect ride or die. She knew the gang life all too well which is why I vowed to never lose her.

"You already know. The other two up already?" I asked as I turned around and gave Missy a kiss.

"Yes they are. Are you taking Elizabeth to school or me?" I saw the look in her eyes that hinted she desperately wanted to take Elizabeth to school. This was her first day of kindergarten, so it was a big day.

"Can you take her?" I rose an eyebrow with a small laugh.

"Thank you Trell." She gave me a kiss and gave TJ. a kiss too before she headed out the door. "I'm taking Aldo with me too. I'll see you in a little while." She called out.

"It's just you and me." I decided I should give him a bath then get him dressed. "You're so calm, it almost scares me. You're older brother, Aldo, used to cry and scream at every little thing just because he could." I said in a cooing voice which caused him to giggle.

"And your sister, Elizabeth, she used to squeal with laughter all the time. She reminded me of a little piggy." I set TJ down on the plush rug that was next to the sink while I started to run the bath.

I watched as TJ would try to take steps to walk over to me but he couldn't quite take his first steps yet. He was real close but that was something we were working on. I gently tugged on the bottom of his shirt indicating for him to start undressing himself. It's like he and I have our own little language when we communicate with each other.

After his bath I dressed him in a pair of black jeans, a red and black plaid shirt and his little tims. I laughed as he would play with his crazy curly hair. The lil' boy always has me laughing.

"Today is a day just for us. I'ma make you a G just like me." I picked him up and carried him out to my all black 1980 Lincoln Versailles.

We drove to the mall. I wanted to get his ears pierced since he was like 2 months old, but Missy asked me to wait till he was at least 1. Well he's a lil' older than 1 so why not?

I carried him to the jewelers and set him down while I waited for one of the store clerks. I watched as TJ held onto the edge of the shelves as he looked at all the shiny diamonds and chains that were on display.


"Look at you with them diamonds." I laughed as I brought him to a mirror. His eyes filled with joy as he watched them shine from the light being reflected off the gem.

"Do you like 'em?" I asked.

"Mhm." He looked away from the mirror and gave me a kiss on my cheek. TJ doesn't talk that much, he knows words but he's more of an action-type. He'd rather show you instead of tell you. "Down." He said as he started to squirm in my arms. I set him down and watched him once again use the edges of the shelves to navigate his way over to the gold chains.

"Trell?" I looked up and saw Rose walking over towards me with her son in her arms.

"Hi Rose, how are you?" I gave her a hug and looked down at Lexis. "Hi Lexis." I smiled but he buried his head into Rose.

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