Chapter 8

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Oakland's Greatest: Chapter 8

I was in a state that couldn't be described. I just felt so at peace. I had no anger, no stress, no sadness, just nothing but pure happiness.

I never wanted to leave.

"We have a steady pulse!" I heard a voice say. A pulse? Oh no. Don't tell me I'm being taken away from this place. No, please no. I was finally at peace with Dad, don't take me away. "I need 20 CC of morphine!" I heard the voice say.

I looked around to try to find Dad but it was pitch black. I searched but I was somewhere else now. Away from the safety of Dad. I felt the pain in my heart that I had before I pulled the trigger; return right back. I finally had what I wanted just to be taken away.

Everything grew silent again. I couldn't feel anything, see, smell, taste, or hear. It was just dead silent and lonely.


I don't know how long it's been but I've been in the darkness for a long time. This was the first time I finally had control over my senses. I heard a lot of shuffling, felt needles being constantly pricked into my skin, and smelt all kinds of unfamiliar scents.

I slowly managed to open my eyes to see a bunch of bright lights shinning over me. I didn't feel pain but I steadily examined the room with the range I had with my eyes. I couldn't move my head, like as if it was being held in place.

I saw I was under a blanket and had on a blue paper-like-textured kind of cloth. I looked down at my arms and saw multiple IV's.

I was in a hospital.

The place I dreaded to be and here I was. Why would someone take me away from a place where I felt at peace?

"Hey there." I know she meant to say that in a soft tone but it stung my ears hearing something so loud. "I'm sorry hun. I'm going to go get your main doctor. Just know you're in safe hands." She was wrong. I was in hands I didn't want to be in.

After a few minutes my doctor came in and examined me. He tried a series of tests on me and tested a few of my motor skills.

"Amazing. He's like as if he was never shot. Everything I've tested is just fine." I overheard him say to a nurse.

"His mother said he was a very strong-willed child."

"Alright Trell, we'll call your Mom to let her know you're awake and functioning." Why did he have to use that name? That's the last name I want to hear. I felt a single tear roll down my cheek as I laid there once again all by myself.


"Oh my God, Arlie." I heard Mom say in a little bit of a shaky voice.

"Hi Mom." I mumbled as best as I could. With all these bandages around my head, mouth, and neck, it was kind of hard to talk.

"How are you feeling?" I felt Mom grab my hand as she pulled up a chair next to me.

"I'm alright. How long has it been?" I slowly said as I intertwined my fingers with hers. She had such a soft touch that brought a sense of comfort.

"You've been in the hospital for 6 months sweetie." 6 months? It feels more like 6 hours, not months.

"Did we already pass my birthday?"

"No. It's only March." I let out a deep exhale but chocked a little bit when I swallowed down saliva that had welled too much under my tongue. "Arlie-"

"I'm fine Mom." I said after I cleared my airway.

"Why did you do this Arlie? Was it me?" She asked sympathetically.

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