Chapter 7

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Oakland's Greatest: Chapter 7

~2 Years Later~

"Pull the trigger Arlie." Boss instructed so calmly. I held the cold gun in my hand as I looked down at the man who made a simple deal go sour. "Arlie, just pull it." He said a little more sternly. I knew what he was trying to do; he was trying to mold me into a killer like he did to Varo, Javier, and Lexis.

"You want him dead so bad? You fuckin' kill him, I'm not about to do your damn dirty work. I already sell your bullshit, I'm not about to kill. Take your gun and end him 'cause my ass is out." I tossed the gun so it landed in front of his feet and turned to walk away.

"Come back here." He said. 'Come back here' fuck you. You come up to me if you need me, I'm not no damn dog.

I ignored him and slammed the door behind me and continued to walk down the hall. I got to the main room and saw the older members rolling up like they never had a blunt before.

I grabbed a blunt that was already rolled up and just sitting at the edge of the table. I already had a lighter in my pocket so I walked out of the trap doors and hopped the chain linked face. I walked out of the alley and walked to my second favorite place aside from the barber.

The corner store.

On the way there, I pulled out my lighter and lit up the blunt. Inhaling that first hit was like sweet relief to me. I let it creep slowly out of my nose as I continued to walk.

"Hey Arlie." I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Sweet Cheeks there with a big smile on her face.

"Hey Sweet Cheeks, what are you up to?" I moved the blunt away so the smoke wouldn't blow into her face.

"I was just out and saw you walking so I thought I'd say Hi." Sweet Cheeks was a cute girl who started to hang around us. Well I'd known her long before she started to hang out with Lexis, Varo, Javier, and I. She was one of only a few girls that lived in this area. She lives in my Hood but I often see her chilling outside in her yard. As her name suggests, sure enough she had some kind of sweet treat, I'm guessing a lolly pop, stuffed in her right cheek. Her name was Auburn, but Sweet Cheeks was what we liked to call her, especially me, not to mention she had the sweetest personality that Oakland had to offer in this part.

"Wanna come to the corner store with me? I'm sure everyone's chilling over there." She nodded her head and we started to walk together, I was on her left side since my blunt was in my left hand. She didn't like smoke, so I was keeping the blunt as far from her as I could. She was mad cute and I would love to get the chance to cuff her but all of us agreed not to fuck with her since we all had a special liking for her.

"I assumed everyone was there since it's so hot out today."

"It's supposed to be hotter next week. I love this heat but I don't like bein' caught in it." I took another hit and blew the smoke out away from her. She looked at me with a funny look before letting out a small laugh. "What's so funny?"

"You remind me of a chimney since you smoke so much. I see you about 90 percent of the time with a blunt or cigar." I loved sitting out on the porch at dusk with a cigar every now and again. Smoking was a terrible habit of mine but it kept me relaxed so I wasn't always fighting or had so much anger built up in me.

"I don't see a problem with that. It keeps me calm and takes away all my anger for a brief period of time but I can argue by saying you always have some kind of treat. I'm surprised you don't have cavities or diabetes by now." I saw her blush a little bit which in return made me laugh.

"You're addicted to weed and I'm addicted to sugar." She said with a laugh.


"Where'd that blunt go? I saw you down the corner with one." Lexis asked with a laugh.

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