Oh, Under The Moonlight

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"Y/N!" Danny exclaimed as the small girl ran into his arms, "I missed you so much!" The two cried together and held each other close.

"I promise I will never leave you again!" Y/N said as she nuzzled her head into Danny's chest. Danny whispered loving words to his beloved princess and kissed the top of her head.

"I know princess. I know..."

Danny opened his eyes. Y/N was gone. Instead a new, smaller princess replaced her. Elizabeth. Danny's eyes softened as he gazed upon the sleeping child... his sleeping child.

"Elizabeth," Danny whispered, "It's time to wake up sweetheart." He called a little louder. Ellie's big blue eyes opened to greet him and he smiled.

"Come on, let's go make breakfast." Still holding the small child protectively in his grasp, Danny led them into the kitchen. It had been five months since Y/N's death and Elizabeth was now one year and three months to the day.

"Pancakes!" Elizabeth squealed excitedly as Danny allowed her to sit on the counter.

"Yes, that sounds like the perfect breakfast." Danny grinned and opened the fridge.

After taking out all the right ingredients to make the pancakes, they began to cook.

"Woah woah woah! Hang on, let Daddy crack the eggs okay?" Danny quickly stopped Elizabeth from smashing an egg on the counter. All the while Elizabeth just giggled and enjoyed this special moment with her father. This would be one of his good days. The rare day where he would be smiling, at least for a few hours.

Danny finished cracking the eggs and carefully helped show little Ellie how to mix, and together they created pancakes!

The two each had a stack of pancakes and practically paraded into the dining room.

"Up already I see?" Ulla smiled at the pair, each so alike. Danny took a hold of Elizabeth's plate and helped her into her high chair.

"I take it that Ember is still sleeping huh?" Danny gave a short laugh and sat at the table with his daughter.

"Aw yes. So she is." Ulla smiled, "Such a lazy thing, but I'm glad that she has me to take care of her."

Danny wasn't paying attention anymore as he carefully cut up Ellie's pancakes, biting down his own sorrow. He just had to remember, today was one of his good days. Ellie needed him and he had to be strong for the both of them. So today he would hold back his true emotions and put on a smile. Ellie deserved a happy life, with a happy father, and... a 'normal' life.

"Good job, you almost finished all of your pancakes!" Danny congratulated little Ellie. The child felt pride at her half eaten plate and even more that her father approved.

"Yes." Ellie whispered in her small triumph as Danny took their plates away. Today was a good day.

The rest of the day had gone smoothly. Elizabeth had chosen a movie and the pair had a relaxing family movie day. It was a good day. The popcorn hadn't been burnt. The movie disc hadn't been scratched. The t.v. screen was clean. No one had interrupted the movie. Snacks were aplenty. The temperature was right. The two were snuggled up in the softest blankets in the palace. Everything was perfect. Nothing had gone wrong. Today was a good day.

And then it wasn't.

Danny carried his little girl to bed. Her eyelids grew heavy as Danny carried her up the flight of stairs and into her room. As gently and as quietly as he could, he laid the small princess into her bed.

"Good night my little Elizabeth. Sweet dreams." Danny knew it wouldn't be long before she would awake with nightmares and he would have to come to her rescue, but the small wish of good dreams still seemed necessary. Instead of going to his room, Danny decided to stay. So there he sat, waiting for little Elizabeth to wake up so that he might hold her in his arms again.

He must have dozed off because he was startled when her screaming started.

"Shhh shhh shhh." Danny hushed the small child as he carefully shook her awake, "It's okay, Daddy's here." Elizabeth clung onto her father, wishing the nightmares would go away. Tonight was just like any night. Except it wasn't.

As soon as Danny felt Ellie's skin he knew something was wrong. She was burning up!

"Oh no not again." Danny frowned, hoping she didn't have another cold, she had a cold just a week before today. But deep down he knew it was something else.

"Tummy." Elizabeth whimpered, clutching her stomach. Danny quickly but carefully took the small child into the bathroom just in time before she threw up.

"Shh. It's going to be okay sweetheart. It's going to be okay." Danny cooed, rubbing her back as she puked for the fourth time. Tears stung at Danny's eyes, as it was painful to see his daughter in pain, knowing that all he could do was help her wait it out.

As soon as Ellie could control her stomach, Danny was already rushing them out the door.

Quickly helping Ellie into her tiny rain boots and pastel purple, butterfly coat, they were off.

"It's okay Ellie. It's going to be okay. I promise." Danny held her close, not even stopping to wipe off the back of his jacket when she threw up yet again.

"I love you Ellie. It's going to be okay."

Today was supposed to be a good day...

Hello my little mini muffins!!! Sorry for the kinda late publish but I had some researching to do for the chapters to come!!! Hopefully this is getting a bit more exciting and if not... it will soon!!! So... see you all in the next chapter!!! Bye!!!


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