Like A Waterfall

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"Okay..." Danny took a deep breath and squeezed Ellie's hand, "Here we go." He knocked on the door and they waited.

"That must be them!" A familiar feminine voice exclaimed behind the door. The door was thrown open and Danny was met with his wide eyed mother. He looked down at the small woman, surprised that he was now taller than her.

"H-hey." Danny greeted awkwardly as little Elizabeth hide behind his legs.

"Danny!" His mother practically screamed and tackled him into a hug.

"Woah." Danny said, surprised and slowly hugged back.

"I've missed you so much, you have no idea." His mom pulled back and he was able to see the tears in her eyes. Suddenly Maddie looked to his feet and noticed the shy Elizabeth.

"Oh my- Jack! You need to get out here!" Maddie yelled to her husband as she scooped up Elizabeth into her arms. "And you must be Ellie! Oh! You are so beautiful!"

"T-thank you." Ellie replied, looking back at Danny with scared eyes. Danny took a step closer and smiled.

"It's okay. This is your grandma remember? The one I've been telling you about." Ellie nodded and looked back at Maddie. She smiled at her small grandchild and Ellie smiled back.

"Come on Maddie sweetheart, let them in so that we can all see them!" Jack yelled from inside of the house. At that Maddie began to lead them into the house.

"My son has grown up!" Jack exclaimed and stood up to meet them. Danny was once again surprised that he was only a mere inch shorter than his dad. Jack brought Danny into a hug.

"My, you have grown quite a bit!" Jack said again, still in awe that his son was almost as tall as him.

"Oh my god! Is that Elizabeth?" Y/N's mother said as she practically ran over to Maddie and embraced the little girl herself.

"Hi g-grandma." Ellie said, still not sure if she should refer to them as her grandma's yet.

"Ah! She is so adorable!" Both women exclaimed, hugging her together.

"Danny it's good to finally see you again." Y/N's father spoke up and awkwardly gave Danny a side hug.

"I-it's good to see you too Mr. L/N." Danny said and Y/N's father nodded. Maddie and Y/N's mother moved over towards their husbands to show off little Elizabeth to them as well.

After a few more hugs and outbursts about how adorable Ellie is, they all sat on the couch in the living room.

(You guys remember your couch right XXD)

Maddie put Elizabeth down and she immediately ran over to Danny

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Maddie put Elizabeth down and she immediately ran over to Danny. He helped Ellie up on the couch and she stood up to whisper in Danny's ear.

"Daddy this is scary, when are we going to go home?" Danny chuckled as everyone else stared at the pair in confusion.

"It's alright Ellie, we'll leave in a little bit okay?" Danny whispered back and Ellie nodded before sitting back down next to him. They all sat in awkward silence before Y/N's mother finally spoke up.

"So... Elizabeth. Are you going to school yet?" Ellie nodded and hugged onto Danny's arm. Danny let out a chuckle at his daughter's actions.

"And what school is that?" Y/N's mother asked.

"Amity park preschool." Ellie's voice was slightly muffled because she was pressing her face into Danny's arm in embarrassment.

"She goes to school here?!" Y/N's and Danny's parents exclaimed at the same time. Danny explained, "There are no schools where we live other than a high school so we had to enroll her here." All the parents nodded.

"By the way, where are you living? Every time we send a letter we have to send it to someone called Vlad..." Y/N's father said skeptically.

"Ah. Vlad is our friend. Ellie's godfather and uncle actually." Danny tried to explain before being cut off by his dad.

"Vlad?! Vlad Masters?! The one who was obsessed with your mother?"

"No no no, he's passed that! He's not obsessed with her anymore-"

"Your friend was obsessed with Maddie?" Y/N's mom asked worriedly, glancing over at Elizabeth, "I hope Y/N didn't have to meet him. He sounds like a creep." She said under her breath.

"Actually..." Danny said a little annoyed that Y/N's mother would say such rude things about his and Y/N's friend, "Y/N and Vlad were rather close. She was the one who asked Vlad to be Ellie's godfather."

"O-oh." Y/N's mother said, looking off into the distance, no doubt feeling embarrassed. The group sat in silence for a few minutes, each in their own thoughts about the situation.

"Hang on! We'll be right back!" Maddie suddenly exclaimed and pulled Y/N's mother from her seat and into the kitchen. Danny raised an eyebrow at their suspicious actions.

"W-what's happening?" Danny asked as the lights went out, he felt Elizabeth squeeze onto his arm tighter. He looked over to the doorway of Y/N's kitchen and saw his mom's and Y/N's mom's faces illuminated by candlelight.

"Happy birthday to you..." Everyone sang, leaving little Elizabeth and Danny in awe. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Danny. Happy birthday to you!"

By the end of the song, they had finished bringing the cake over in front of Danny and Elizabeth.

"Go ahead guys, blow out the candles!" Maddie encouraged the two. Danny brought Ellie onto his lap.

"Go on sweetheart, blow out the candles with me." Danny grinned at little Ellie's look of surprise, but she wasted no time in blowing out all 21 of the candles.

"We know you're only 18 Danny but we wanted to include three more candles for Ellie." Y/N's mother smiled.

"Now who wants cake?" The two women asked.

"Me! Me!" Elizabeth exclaimed immediately, somehow not feeling shy anymore. Danny laughed and helped her get a slice.

"You guys should also now that my birthday was months ago." Danny smiled, still grateful for the cake.

"I know honey." Maddie said sadly, reaching up a hand to caress her son's cheek.

"I've missed you so much Mom." Danny suddenly confessed as he brought her into a hug.

"I've missed you too Danny."   

Again this chapter is a bit late... nine minutes late to be exact. It's 12:09 AM right now. XXD Oh well, it's still Friday to me! I hope you've all enjoyed this chapter!!! I honestly would have posted this earlier but I felt sick all day ( I feel fine now but I was so close to calling an ambulance because I swear I was going to pass out and I was shaking so much because my stomach was hurting so badly. T_T.... oh well I feel better now!!! Anyway enjoy!!!


P.s. I will be posting another chapter tomorrow because I will not be here next Friday, I will be going on a camping trip. Enjoy~

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