And You Were Right Here Beside Me

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"Do I have to go to school?" Ellie groaned as the car rolled on towards her school. Danny's eyebrows knitted together in a confused expression.

"Why haven't you wanted to go to school lately? Is there something wrong?" Grace asked gently, reaching out her hand and holding Ellie's.

"You can tell us sweetheart." Danny added, grabbing Ellie's other hand. Ellie shook her head and looked down at the floor.

"No, it's nothing. I-... I just don't want to get more um... homework." She concluded, leaving the two adults with worried thoughts.

"Okay then. But you know that if anything happens, you can tell me Ellie. Please don't hide what's bothering you. You know I love you so much-" Danny was cut off by Ellie's sudden sobbing. The two adults were quick to comfort the small child.

"Oh no honey, I'm sorry. It's alright." Danny cooed, holding his daughter close to him. As soon as Ellie's sobbing quieted, he asked again,

"Ellie... are you sure nothing's bothering you?" This time she nodded and pulled away from the embrace.

"I-it's just that,"she hiccuped, "..the-y make f-fun of me-!" a heart breaking sob broke her words and Danny's eyes widened.

"Who makes fun of you?" Danny gently rubbed Ellie's back.

"The other k-kids.. They... they.. Make fun of m-me for not having a-a mom-!" Ellie collapsed on Danny's shoulder and let out the rest of her sobs.

"Please don't make me go back Daddy... I don't like it." Ellie whispered. Danny kissed the top of her head as she began to doze off, her sudden fit of sadness making her tired.

"Well, how about we go to Uncle Vlad's house and you can stay with him for today? I know your Aunt Olivia has been dying to spend some time with you." Danny offered. The only reply he got was a tired nod of her head against his shoulder.

The car soon pulled up in front of Vlad's mansion and the guards opened up the door to let the ghost king, Grace, and a sleeping Elizabeth out of the car. As they stepped out, a very eager Vlad showed up.

"Oh! Give her to me, give her to me!" Vlad whisper yelled as Danny handed over the sleeping child.

"Please take care of her, she was really upset." Danny said.

"What are you going to do?" Vlad asked with a worried look on his face. Danny left a quick peck on Ellie's forehead and stepped away.

"I'm going to go to her school and see what kind of punk we're dealing with... I'll tell you the details later."

The car pulled up to the curb of Ellie's school. A cool, calm, and collected Danny stepped out, fully prepared to confront both the Principle and Ellie's teacher.

"Hello Mr. Phantom. I'm Mrs.Wiggns, I am the Principle of this school. It's nice to meet you." Danny shook hands with the Principle while Grace stood awkwardly to the side.

"Please have a seat." Mrs. Wiggns gestured to the few chairs in front of her desk, "Elizabeth's teacher will be joining us in a minute-" Just then the door opened, revealing a short woman with a round face.

"Sorry I'm late, I'm Miss. Brown, Elizabeth's teacher." She quickly shook hands with Danny and Grace before sitting on the side of the Principle.

"Now what seems to be the trouble Mr. Phantom?" Mrs. Wiggns asked, folding her hands in front of her.

"Well you see, ELizabeth has told me that some kids have been making fun of her for... not having a mother." Danny explained, "But I was never aware of this until now." Mrs. Wiggns turned towards Miss. Brown.

"I wasn't aware of this either, were you Miss. Brown?" The short woman looked bored and shrugged.

"I mean, I knew that some kids were teasing her but it's nothing serious. All kids tease one another-"

"That isn't normal Miss. Brown." Danny interrupted her, "My little girl is being bullied and you're acting as if it's the most normal thing in the world!"

"I'm only saying, that maybe the kids are right." Miss. Brown scoffed.

"But, that isn't your judgement to make!" Danny argued. The two adults glared at each other.

"How about we share what we think might be going on. Maybe it does have something to do with losing her mother. If you need be, I can recommend some specialists." Mrs. Wiggns cut in, "Maybe she could do better with some help from a prescription." She suggested again.

"How dare you!" Danny yelled, standing up from his chair, "How dare you tell me to medicate my daughter! There's nothing wrong with her you sick bastard!"

"Please sit down Mr-"

"I will not sit down! You mean to tell me that you aren't going to punish those kids-?"

"Without proof of actual insults, teasing, or abuse... no, I can not punish them in anyway." Ms. Wiggns said rudely.

"Proof? Proof?!" Danny slammed his hands on the Princaple's desk and yelled, "I'll give you proof! My daughter told me that she is having problems at school and you STILL. WANT. PROOF?!"

"Excuse me sir, ma'am, you'll have to come with us." Suddenly the security was standing behind Danny and Grace, slightly gripping onto Danny's arms to make sure he didn't try to harm anyone in his slight fit of rage.

"I'm sorry Mr... er-- Phantom... was it? I'm sorry but I must say that Elizabeth would benefit from having a mother." Miss. Brown said. Danny glared at her as they were led out of the building by the security officers.

"This is ridiculous!" Danny yelled in frustration.

"At least think about it!" Mrs. Wiggns said smugly. Little did she know... she had just given Danny an idea.

Grace and Danny made their way back to the car, each full of thoughts on the matter at hand. Suddenly, Danny knew what he had to do.

"This leaves me no, choice."

"Danny, what do you mean-?" Grace asked.

"I'm going to go see Clockwork..." 

Hehehe here is another chapter!!! What do you guys think is going to happen? Can you tell I have some interesting things planned? XXD Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!! See you all in the next chapter my little mini muffins!!!


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