And Now

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It hurt... it hurt Y/N so bad. But she had to remember that this was for the best. Even though this act tore her heart to pieces, Y/N needed to keep this up as long as she had to.

"Hmmm... Danny, you say?" Y/N tilted her head, pretending to think really hard for a moment, "T-that name really doesn't ring a bell, sorry."

"What...? What do you mean? Y/N I-...." Danny's face fell and Y/N's heart broke just that much more.

"Ah! Look at the time! Ellie and I had better be going. So if you don't mind... Danny? Right? Oh well, if you don't mind, we must be going-" Y/N stood up and lifted Ellie from her chair but as soon as she turned to leave Danny roughly grabbed her arm.

"No! You can't leave me again!" Danny yelled, eyes wide. Y/N stood still in fear as the whole ice cream parlor became silent, all eyes locked on the three of them.

"No way... there is NO WAY I will ever let you leave again!" Danny yelled again, tears running down his face. Suddenly the preppy waitress from earlier came running over to them and stepped right in between Danny and Y/N.

"Sir, you have no right to treat this woman like this, now please remove your hands from her and let her leave with her child-"

"You don't know me, mind your own business-"

"I would like to sir, but you are disrupting everyone's time and are potentially a threat to this woman. Now, if you would please release her and leave or I will be forced to call the police." the waitress said calmly yet sternly.

Without warning Danny let out a growl and swung out the arm he wasn't using to hold Y/N's arm and attempted to hit the waitress in the face. But at the last minute the waitress caught Danny's arm with one hand.

"I should warn you sir, I know a variety of self defense moves and, I don't mean to brag, but I could definitely take you out." the Waitress smiled warmly at Danny as his face reded in both anger and embarrassment.

"Fine, I'll go." Danny sighed, before releasing Y/N's arm and pulling his arm away from the waitress. He began to walk out of the restaurant but glanced back at Y/N and Ellie one last time.

"Please come back home Y/N... Ellie really misses you." With that, Danny left.

"You're not really going to go back to that guy are you?" the perky waitress asked Y/N as soon as the doors closed behind Danny. Y/N shrugged and shakily sat down, hugging Ellie close to her.

"I-I honestly don't know at this point... but thank you for all your help back there." Y/N smiled at the kind waitress.

"No problem hun, just be careful next time." Y/n nodded and the waitress left.

About half an hour later, Y/N and Ellie were quietly sitting at the park.

"Mommy?" Ellie asked.

"Hm? What is it Ellie?" Y/N looked over at her daughter.

"Why did Daddy act like that? Is there something wrong? H-how are you here? I thought... I thought you died...." Y/N took a deep breath and pulled Ellie into a hug.

"It's kinda a long story baby... but I'll try to explain it as much as I can." Ellie nodded and curled up next to Y/N as they lay on the grass, gazing up at the stars.

"Your father is something people call a yandere. That means that he has an unhealthy obsession with the ones or things he loves. It's a mental illness really... but he can't help it. Something happened to him when he was younger, that I can't explain to you right now, but I will when you're older." Y/N paused, letting the information sink in. "Now, I'm here... I don't really know how I'm here. I DID die actually... but as you can see," Y/N held up her arm and made half of it intangible as an example, "But I'm pretty sure that it was Clockwork who brought me back to life- or into this ghost form."

"Well I'm glad you're here with me Mommy." Ellie smiled and layed her tiny head on Y/N's chest. Y/N laughed.

"Me too Ellie... me too."

It that moment, Y/N finally realized what she had to do. She had to keep Ellie safe forever. She had to keep herself safe. She had to keep Danny... her love... the one she pretended not to remember, she had to keep him safe too. So in that moment, she made her final decision, just as little Elizabeth fell asleep.

"I will fix this. I promise Ellie... everything will be okay soon."  

I am sad to say that this story is coming to an end T_T. The final chapter will be posted next Friday. (I'm not sure if I'm going to post an epilogue yet or not...). But don't worry!!! This will NOT be the end of the story!!! I am planning to make a prequel or something like that to explain how/why Danny became a Yandere!!! So you have that to look forward to!!! XXD So until then, I love you all my little mini muffins!!! Bye!!! 


P.s. some of you wanted to see some of my Danny Phantom art that I have on redbubble so here is one example!!! Fun fact: Lately I've been drawing Danny in winter clothes for no reason XXD I just like drawing him in winter clothes I guess!!! Okay, no stealing my art!!! Enjoy looking at it though!!! (Also when I set up a paypal you can get this on a shirt or on a phone case... or something like that XXD).

 or something like that XXD)

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