I Just Can't Get You Off My Mind

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"Clockwork said Ellie goes to Amityville preschool... hmmm... I'll have to see her for myself!" Y/N exclaimed out loud to herself as she carefully climbed out the window of Clockwork's tower.

"I wish I could at least fly for more than a few minutes..." Y/N thought out loud. She carefully lowered herself onto the ground, "Now, how do I get into the human world?"

*Three hours later*

"I guess it won't be too much trouble to get her out of school a bit early right?" Y/N wondered as she was already walking into the office, "Oh well, I'm already here!"

"Hello ma'am, here to pick up," the office lady paused to look over the strange woman, "Oh my! Do you happen to be Elizabeth's mother?" The lady's mouth fell open in wonder and Y/N giggled.

"That's what I've been told. Picking her up early isn't a problem is it? It's been so long since I've seen her! I'm sure she's missed me so much!"

"Of course! I'll have her sent right down! Just sign her out here ma'am." The office lady handed Y/N a clipboard and a pen to sign as she quickly dialed on the office phone.

"Yes, please send Elizabeth down her m-"

"Shhh! I want it to be a surprise!" Y/N quickly shushed the lady and she nodded in agreement.

"Ahem, excuse me. Her father is here to pick her up early. Yes.... thank you..." the lady hung up and turned to Y/N with a huge smile, "You can meet her out in the hallway, it's great to finally meet you Mrs. Fenton!"

"You too! Thank you so much!" Y/N grinned and went out into the hallway to meet with Ellie.

Y/N saw her first and her jaw dropped. Ellie looked so much like her, it was painful to see her again. Ellie had not seen her yet, for she was busy trying to stuff her jacket in her backpack. Y/N's tears fell first... and then Ellie finally saw who it was.

"M.... Mommy?!" Ellie wasn't sure if it was really her. Y/N tried to get out words... anything to tell Ellie that she was here and that she was real. But instead she just nodded as her tears fell faster than ever before.

"Mommy!" Ellie finally exclaimed and ran into her mother's arms.

"Ellie! I love you so much!"

"Mommy! I love you and I missed you so much! Please don't ever leave me again!" Ellie sobbed into Y/N's shoulder.

"Oh Ellie, I promise! I will never leave you again! Never!" Y/n finally collapsed, letting all of her tears explode from her eyes as they held each other tighter.

"I will never let you go again baby... never ever, ever, I will be with you always my love. Always, always, always. I love you my beautiful baby Elizabeth!"

"I- I love you t-too Mommy!"

Danny's POV

"Vlad... woah woah woah, slow down... what do you mean she was already picked up from school by me?!" Danny yelled angrily into the phone.

"I'm telling you Daniel! Her teacher told me that she was already picked up! By YOU! At about 2:20 this afternoon!" Vlad yelled back, equally as worried, "Look just meet me at the mansion and we can start calling in some people to look for her, and if you want we can try some places in the ghost zone, maybe one of your other enemies took her?"

"I don't know Vlad... I don't know. I'm almost to the mansion, please just call everyone you know! I'm calling my parents right now just in case they picked her up without telling me but I'm not sure-" Danny was cut off as someone else was calling him, "Hang on Vlad I'm getting a call from Clockwork, he must know something. Hang on, I'll call you back."

Danny cut the call from Vlad and quickly transferred to Clockwork.

"Clockwork! What happened?! Who took Elizabeth?" Danny demanded to know.

"Danny... you're not going to believe me... and if you do... you're not going to like the answer."


"Five years old?! Wow, you're so big!" Y/n gasped in shock as Ellie giggled in delight.

"You look different a bit too Mommy..." Ellie thought out loud.

"Hmm, really? Different how? Good or bad?" Y/N asked, looking down at herself. Ellie laughed again.

"You're silly! And it's in a good way! You seem brighter... like you're glowing!" Y/N laughed at this.

"Well I guess I am kinda glowing in a way..." The pair couldn't keep from smiling as they sat in the ice cream parlor, waiting for their hot fudge sundaes to come.

"Here you go you guys, two hot fudge sundaes!" The perky waitress exclaimed as she set said item down in front of them.

"Thank you very much." Y/N smiled, and together she and Elizabeth began to eat their sundaes.

Danny's POV (Sorry I keep on switching POVs XXD)

"You WHAT?!"

"I'm sorry Danny, I truly am-" Clockwork tried to explain.

"Save it! I don't want to hear anymore of this! I'm going to go get them right now!"

"Danny I-!" He clicked the phone off and stormed inside of the ice cream parlor.

"Sir? Table for one?" A slightly scared waitress asked the obviously angry Danny. Danny shook his head, composing himself a little.

"No thank you, I'm just looking for someone-" There she was. Y/N.... his Y/N and his Ellie. They were sitting at a booth, eating happily. Y/N had her back to him, but it was her... it was no mistake. He made his way over to them, Ellie saw him first.

"Daddy! Look! Mommy's here!" Suddenly Y/N turned to face him and Danny gasped. She looked just as perfect as she did before. Except... she was glowing, and.... happy....

"Y-Y/N?" Danny whispered. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and looked Danny up and down. Danny tried to be patient but he just couldn't take it anymore as he tackled Y/N into a hug.

"Oh Y/N! My princess! I thought I'd never see you again! Please never leave me again-"

"I'm sorry... but who are you?" Y/N asked, clearly confused as to why he was hugging her.

"W-what? I'm Danny.... your husband?" Danny's face fell.

"I.... I'm sorry, but.... I don't know what you're talking about...."  

OOOOOOOhhhhhh!!! Things are really getting spicy now!!! How are you guys feeling about this? Having fun? Is your heart getting as crushed as mine is? T^T Haha I can't wait util you guys see what else I have in store for this story!!! I love you all my little mini muffins!!! See you all next Friday!!!


P.s I'm thinking of making a redbubble to sell some of my Danny Phantom (and other) art!!! What do you guys think about that? I'm already on there if you want to see what I have so far!!! (Username on there is just: Skylar Promer). You can't buy anything yet because I don't have a paypal set up yet but I thought you guys might want to check it out!!! Okay... that's it.... bye my little mini muffins!!! XXD

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