I'm Gonna Be Up All Night

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Warning: Be prepared to be heartbroken T_T

Danny's POV

Danny returned to the palace with teary eyes and a broken heart.

"Danny? Are you okay? Where's Elizabeth?" Grace asked as Danny entered her room. Danny didn't say anything, he just let the tears fall and fell to his knees.

"Danny!" Grace gasped, rushing to his side and embracing him without a second thought. Danny immediately hugged her back and sobbed into her shoulder.

"I feel so helpless!" Danny sobbed and his grip on Grace's waist tightened. Grace nodded and softly ran her fingers through Danny's hair in a comforting way.

"Shhh, it's going to be okay." Grace cooed, "What happened?" Danny's breath hitched.

"Y/N... sh-she's here. She's a ghost now, but she had Elizabeth right now." Danny's voice was shaky.

"O-oh..." Grace didn't know what to say. Danny sensed her uneasiness and he pulled away to look her straight into her eyes.

"This... this doesn't change the way I feel about you. I-I still love you Grace, please don't leave me." Danny said seriously. Grace nodded, and smiled brightly.

"I love you t-too Danny!" Grace then started to cry with him as she embraced him once more.

"Do you think Ellie is going to be okay?" Grace asked after awhile, holding Danny's head in her lap. Danny stared off into space for a few minutes before answering.

"She's with her mom isn't she? Even though Y/N doesn't remember me.... maybe it's for the best. Maybe this was how it was supposed to turn out since the beginning.... But I at least want to say good bye if I'm not going to be able to see her ever again." Grace nodded and placed a kiss on Danny's forehead.

"Just know that whatever happens from here, I will always love you."


Holding little Elizabeth's hand, Y/N walked to the front door of the palace.

"Remember the plan Ellie?" Y/N smiled nervously down at her daughter. Ellie nodded and squeezed Y/N's hand.

"It's all going to be okay." Y/N said more to herself than to Ellie. With slight hesitance, Y/n knocked loudly on the large palace doors.

"One moment!" Came a muffled voice from inside. When the door opened, Y/N's eyes widened in both fear and surprise.


"Y/N?!" They exclaimed at the same time. Ulla looked down only to be more surprised at the sight of Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth?! What are you both doing here?" Ulla asked, eyes wide. Without thinking Y/N punched Ulla squarely in the jaw as hard as she could. Ulla screamed out in pain before holding onto her jaw.

"Babe who is it?" Ember peeked her head around the corner, "Oh holy shit."

"Holy shit is right..." Ulla breathed, still holding her jaw.

"Well... um... sorry.... c-can we come in?" Y/N asked nervously. Ulla nodded and opened the door wider.

"Um... how about we go in the living room and talk about a few things." Ember suggested. Everyone nodded and moved into the living room. They sat in silence for a few moments just process what was happening.

"So, how are you here? Why are you here?" Ember asked nervously, grasping Ulla's hand tightly.

"Well, Ellie and I are just going to get her stuff and then we're going to go to see Clockwork... we'll figure it out from there I guess." Y/N bit her lip nervously. Ulla and Ember nodded.

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