And I Swear I Could Feel You In My Arms

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"Danny, you just have to let us pick up Ellie from school one of these days!" Y/N's mother exclaimed as they were all eating cake.

"Oh... maybe one of these days." Danny smiled but inside a small panic was rising.

"That would be wonderful, then we could take her out for ice cream and help her with her homework! Then you could come to pick her up before dinner time." Y/N's mother said dreamily, "I can just see it now! Doesn't that sound nice Maddie? Since you are next door, we could always see them! That would be perfect!"

As Y/N's mother rambled on, Danny became more and more uncomfortable. How could he just let Ellie go with them? Especially without him? What if something happens? What if she gets sick again? Y/N's and his mother would never know what to do!

"Danny? Danny are you alright?" His father's voice broke him out of his trance.

"Huh?" Danny looked down and saw his shattered plate on the floor. Blinking a few times, he finally realized what had happened.

"I'm sorry!" He bent down and began to pick up the broken glass.

"Oh no honey, I got it." Y/N's mother said, trying to help him. But Danny was on sensory overload and was about to snap. So he did the best thing he could do and he threw the glass back onto the ground and backed away, covering his mouth and trying to control his breathing.

"Danny!" Maddie exclaimed and tried to comfort him. Danny didn't want to hurt her and held up his hand to stop her.

"N-no, please don't touch me!" Danny turned away, breathing heavily as he tried to make all his horrible thoughts go away. Meanwhile, everyone stood in shock at Danny's outburst, but Elizabeth knew what to do.

"Daddy..." Ellie began to make her way towards him.

"Ellie no don't-"

"I know what to do." She said confidently as she continued walking towards him. Ellie sat down next to Danny and moved his hands away from his face.

"Daddy, it's okay." Ellie whispered as she wrapped her arms around Danny's neck and hugged him. Danny tensed up at the contact but did not harm the familiar figure. A few minutes later and his blurred vision finally cleared. His muscles loosened and carefully embraced his daughter.

"It's alright." Ellie whispered, "I love you Daddy. It's okay." Danny's heart broke as he knew that he had freaked out again. He hugged her tighter, nuzzling his face into the little girl's hair.

"I know sweetheart, thank you. I love you too." At that, Ellie collapsed and began to tear up.

"I'm so sorry Ellie. I'm so sorry." Danny whispered as he cradled his little girl, "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

"I-it's okay..." Ellie sobbed into his chest, making Danny feel even more guilty about putting her through his outbursts. His gaze moved to Y/N's stunned mother a few feet away, pieces of glass now stuck in her hand. Behind her, his own mother sat wide eyed, a hand covering her mouth. The two fathers mouths were wide open, staring at the scene in shock. Slowly Danny sat up, being careful not to lose his grip on Elizabeth.

"I'm so sorry everyone. I- I didn't mean for this to happen. I-"

"I think you should leave." Y/N's father said suddenly.


"I think you should go Danny. Leave Elizabeth here. But you... you need to go!" The man said, getting angrier by the minute. Danny stood up and took a step back, shielding his daughter from them.

"N-no! You can't have Ellie! She's my daughter, not yours!" Danny said, his defense mode starting to come back. Y/N's father took a step towards the two.

"Give us Elizabeth and we'll let you go without calling the police. You can go home without her-"

"NO!" Danny yelled, he held Ellie closer to him. Y/N's mother stood up and moved towards her husband.

"Dear, you are not making this any better." She turned to look at Danny again, "Please stay, Elizabeth is your daughter. We all know that and we promise not to take her from you. Please just promise to let us into her life. Please don't hide us from her, or her from us." With slight hesitation, Danny nodded and loosened his hold a bit.

"Danny, it's okay. We won't hurt either of you. We love you both." Maddie spoke up, moving closer to her son. She smiled and looked back at Jack.

"Danny... I know you love Ellie. We all do. Your mother and I promise that no harm will come to you or Ellie. Just please stay and we can help you." Jack said calmly. The group stood in silence for a few minutes, awaiting Danny's final decision. Danny looked from person to person, seeing everyone's fear and love for the two. He weighed his decisions and finally agreed on one.

"Fine." Danny said, "I'll stay, but you all have to promise never to take Elizabeth away from me and you can never, ever harm her."

"Of course." The parents all agreed, never even dreaming of hurting their granddaughter.

"Good." Danny said before directing all of his attention to his daughter, who was now half asleep in his arms. No doubt, tired after the long day.

"I think we'll be going now." Danny said, gesturing to a sleepy little Elizabeth. As soon as the words left his mouth, he could see the worried looks on everyone's faces.

"Don't worry... we'll come back to visit soon." At that Danny's and Y/N's mother ran up to give him and Elizabeth a hug.

"It's not your fault baby, I love you so much." Maddie said, giving Danny a kiss on the cheek before moving away.

"Please take care of Ellie, Danny we're counting on you." Y/N's mother said next, tucking Ellie's hair behind her ear and joining Maddie on the other side of the room.

"Danny my boy... take care. Please don't get hurt and make sure Ellie is safe okay?" Jack smiled down at his granddaughter as he gave Danny a hug.

"Please don't hurt her Danny. She's the only thing we have left of our daughter..." Y/N's father gave Danny a side hug, squeezing his forearm tightly to get his point across. Danny nodded, even though he was slightly annoyed.

"I'll keep that in mind..." He told everyone, "We'll see you all again soon. Bye."

"Bye..." A small voice was heard and all heads turned to stare at the sleepily smiling Elizabeth.

"Bye-bye." Everyone echoed, waving to the small child as Danny carried her out the door and into the car.

"Are you ready to go sweetheart?" Danny whispered, trying to keep his voice low when he saw Grace fast asleep. Ellie nodded as Danny strapped her into her car seat. Within minutes she was asleep. Danny smiled and turned to look out the window as the world passed by.

"I won't let anyone hurt you Ellie... no matter what."

Okay okay... I know I said a few minutes but it ended up being an hour or two for me to post this. XXD. Oh well it's here now and that's all that matters. Just a reminder, I won't be here this Friday so that is why this chapter is early!!! I love you all my little mini muffins!!! See you all in the next chapter!!!


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