I Wanna Fly Again

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Tears were flooding down Danny's cheeks as he returned to the palace. He slammed open the door to said palace and all his sadness was immediately replaced with anger... only one name was on his mind who could have made him so mad....

"Grace!" Danny yelled angrily as he stomped down the halls towards her room. He wanted to take care of this before Vlad brought Elizabeth home.

"Grace! Goddamn it! Answer me when I speak to you!" Danny grit his teeth together so hard, they felt as if they might break. He lost all his control and flung open Grace's door as hard as he could, making a hole in the wall from where the door handle hit. Grace sat up abruptly, taking off her headphones.

"Danny...? Why are you so mad?" Grace asked, confused and slightly scared. She took one look at Danny's face and realized that she was in for trouble.

"M-maybe we should talk about it? What happened with Clockwork-?"

"He can't do it..." Danny cut her off.

"Huh?" Grace tilted her head to the side, "What do you mean he can't? He's the ghost of time isn't he?" Grace was suddenly met with Danny's hateful glare.

"He can't bring her back... and it's all. Your. FAULT!" Danny lunged at the small girl, both hands around her neck.

"Wa-ait..." Grace croaked.

"It's your fault. It's your FAULT. It's YOUR FAULT. IT'S. YOUR. FAULT!!" Danny screamed while bashing her head into her bedside table again and again.

"Danny PLEASE! PLEASE STOP!" Grace shrieked, trying to loosen Danny's hold on her neck. But Danny was relentless as he kept smashing her head into the side of the table, again and again and again. A small cut was now turning into a large gash that was now trickling blood down Grace's face and splattering onto the floor and the nightstand. Danny loosened his hold for a second to pull at Grace's hair, giving Grace a chance as she pulled her leg back and kicked into Danny's stomach with all of her might.

"Mother f-" Danny cut himself off as he gripped his stomach in pain. Grace painfully pressed down on her wound but made no move to try and escape.

Silence. Neither spoke. Nor knew what was happening when Danny started to move closer to Grace. Tears in both of their eyes, both pained in one way or another, both needing the other.

Gently placing a hand on Grace's cheek, Danny slowly moved in and placed his lips against hers. Without even thinking, Grace kissed back. They kissed like they had wanted to since their feelings began to grow, with a fierceness to it. A dangerous longing that they both acquired for each other... that's what that kiss meant. There was no love. No purity. No hope. That was all gone now. Replaced with a false hope... false love. That was what this had become. Nothing but a back up plan.

They pulled away from each other at the same time, neither one wanting to admit that what they were doing was wrong.

Danny placed his forehead against Grace's and moved his hand to the back of her neck.

"I need you Grace. I won't ever let you leave me like Y/N did. Never. I love you Grace." Danny sighed. Grace looked into Danny's fierce green eyes, seeing the false hope and false love, yet refusing to believe it.

"Then I won't leave... I love you Danny."

Clockwork's POV

"Y/N~?" Clockwork teased, "You can't hide from me forever~" He paused, listening for any noise that could give away Y/N's hiding place in this game of hide-n-go seek.

"Yes I can!" Y/N's muffled voice from somewhere above the ghost of time. Said ghost just smirked and took a step back.

"Hmmm... I'll go check somewhere else then..." With a swift movement of Clockwork's arm, his hand suddenly grasped onto Y/N's foot, "Gotcha!"

"Hey!" Y/N screamed in surprise as she turned tangible again. Clockwork chuckled and pulled her the rest of the way down to the floor.

"You're getting the hang of this my dear." he grinned.

"Kinda... but you still find me every time!" Y/N pouted, crossing her arms. Clockwork sighed in amusement and shook his head.

"Well, you'll get better eventually." He teased, "Now... let's work on something a bit harder. Let's find out what other powers you have..."

What do you guys think?! Is this story getting more interesting or what? I hope you guys are prepared for what I have in store for you!!! (Trust me... even I wasn't prepared for this chapter... I changed it at the last minute but I realize now that changing it was the best thing ever!!!) I now have something even better in store for you guys than before so be warned... XXD Anyway... I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!! Love you all my little mini muffins!!!



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