Alone In A Daydream

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"Ellie, what do you think about Grace?" Danny asked his small child as soon as he picked her up from preschool. Ellie grinned and nodded her head frantically.

"I like her! She takes care of me like you do!" Danny nodded slowly at her answer and Ellie tilted her head in a questioning manner.

"Why did you ask Daddy? Do you like her?" Ellie asked innocently.

"What?!" Danny stiffened up and started to shake his head but stopped himself, "Well um... like is a strange word and i-it can have many meanings. I do like her in some ways b-but I'm just not sure yet..."

"You're funny when you're around her and when you talk about her." Ellie suddenly started to giggle. Danny's eyes softened.

"Yeah, I guess I am." Danny let out a half hearted chuckle and hugged Ellie close.

"Hey guess what?" Danny smiled.


"I love you!" He exclaimed, squeezing Ellie tighter as she let out an explosion of giggles.

"I love you too Daddy!" Ellie hugged back. After awhile of hugging, Danny pulled away and looked into Ellie's eyes.

"What, um. What if I were to... I don't know, ask her to go to dinner with me tonight?" Ellie's eyes widened.

"Like on a date?!" Ellie exclaimed and Danny chuckled.

"Yes, like on a date." At that Ellie repeatedly nodded her head.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Ask her!"

"Okay, okay. Calm down Ellie. I'll ask her as soon as we get home." Suddenly the car came to a stop and the guard opened the door to let them out.

"M-maybe we should drive around the block-"

"No! You have to ask her now!" Ellie exclaimed and tried to push Danny out the door.

"Wait-!" Danny lost his grip on the car door and ended up falling face down onto the ground, Ellie landing on top of him.

"What's going on? Danny, Ellie, are you guys okay?!" Grace showed up out of nowhere and rushed to their side, quickly picking up Ellie and helping Danny up.

"Hi, Grace!" Ellie grinned and hugged the ghost girl.

"Hey Ellie!" Grace hugged her back before setting her back on her own feet.

"Um... Uncle Vlad wanted me to call him once we got home... for reasons!" Before anyone could say anything, Ellie ran as fast as she could, "I have to tell Uncle Vlad!" They barely heard her scream excitedly as she threw open the door and ran inside. A dark blush crossed Danny's cheeks as he heard that. Grace's eyes widened slightly and a less noticeable pink dusted over her cheeks as she turned back to Danny.

"Tell Uncle Vlad what?" She asked. Danny gulped down his fear of rejection and just blurted it out.

"Grace, will you go to din- go get a drink with me?!" Danny changed plans quickly, thinking a more adult thing would be better to do. Grace smiled brightly.

"Of course-! I-I mean... sure!"

"I've never actually tried alcohol before." Grace nervously stated as she sniffed at her shot glass. They currently sat at a bar in one of the most famous clubs the ghost world, where any age was legal to drink so being 18 and 17 was no problem for the two.

"Really?" Danny asked, "It's actually pretty good when you know what to get." He took another shot and reached for a third while Grace still sat there with her first.

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