Held Down Like An Angel With No Wings

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"Clockwork? Are you here?" Danny cautiously opened the door to Clockwork's lair and before entering, knocked loudly.

"Clockwork?" He called again. Danny sighed and was about to enter when he heard a loud clang and some things being pushed to the side.

"Just a minute Danny..." Clockwork's familiar voice yelled from somewhere in the room. Danny chuckled and waited patiently.

"No, you have to stay in here. Please just stay in there- I'll be right back..." Danny heard Clockwork whisper fiercely to someone.

"Huh...?" Danny said to himself as he went to go investigate. Right as he pushed open the door, Clockwork was standing there with a huge smile on his face.

"Hello Danny, it's been a long time hasn't it?" He asked while putting an arm around Danny's shoulders and leading him into the room.

"Yeah, it has been... say- who were you talking to just now?" Danny looked up at the tall ghost man. Clockwork held his smile and shook his head.

"Oh no one my dear boy. No one at all. You must have been hearing things." Clockwork laughed and released Danny's shoulders, "Now, why have you come to see me?" Danny raised his eyebrows in amusement.

"You know why..."

"I know, but then... I know everything." Clockwork said smugly as he turned to sit on a chair. Danny followed and sat in the chair across from him.

"I know that you wish to go back in time to save Y/N-"

"Yes, can you please do this for me? It would mean a lot to me Clockwork... I need her back. You should see how Ellie was this morning, without Y/N she's-"

"Without Y/N she will continue to be bullied." Clockwork cut Danny off and shook his head, "You're not wrong Danny... she will be bullied for a bit longer, but it will get better as most of those children will lose at least one of their parents due to divorce."

Danny gave Clockwork a halfhearted smile, "Thanks Clockwork... that makes me feel better."

"Good, well then you should get going-"

"But that still doesn't change my mind, I want Y/N back. Today." Danny said sternly. Clockwork sighed.

"Danny... I'm the ghost of time, the the ghost of miracle cures. The way Y/N was killed... I cannot bring her back." He stood up and walked over to a window, "If I did bring her back, it would mess up our time line. Plus... don't you already have some feelings for a certain someone?" Clockwork glanced over his shoulder at Danny.

"That... that doesn't mean anything. If I just had Y/N back, I could just forget about my feeling towards Grace. If I had Y/N back... everything would be okay again." Danny silently stood up and wiped his watering eyes with the back of his hand, "I thought you could help-"

"I can help... but not in the way you want me to." Clockwork turned to look at Danny with his piercing red eyes, "I'm sorry Danny, I can't bring Y/N back. Please just accept that."

Danny nodded, trying to ignore the anger rising in his veins. Danny slowly made his way towards the door.

"I'll be going now, thanks for your help." Danny sighed and walked out the door without waiting for a response.

Clockwork's POV (Haha I haven't changed from Danny's POV in a long time!)

Clockwork smiled sadly and watched Danny walk out the door. He made sure that Danny left completely before turning towards the storage closet in the corner of the room.

"You can come out now." He sighed. Clockwork could hear a few things being moved to the side from inside the closet before a small girl opened the door and peeked her head out.

"Are you sure he's gone?" she asked.

"I'm sure my dear." Clockwork gave the H/C girl a smile.

"Good." she gave a sigh of relief and pushed the closet door open. She quickly brushed the dust off of herself and sat in the chair where Danny had sat. Clockwork sat down again, facing the girl.

"How long are you planning to hide me from him?" The girl asked sadly.

"Forever my dear Y/N... forever." Clockwork said.

What do you guys think?! Did this story just get more exciting?!! I can assure you that it has!!! I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter (even though I was a bit late at posting it up... oops). I love you all my little mini muffins!!! I promise that the rest of the chapters from here will continue to be more interesting!!! See you all next Friday!!!


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