For Once I Was Alright

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"Little pig, little pig, let me in!" Danny said in his best Big Bad Wolf voice as little Ellie's big eyes were locked on the pages of her story book.

"Not by the hair of my chiny chin chin!" Ellie gasped in fear and excitement as Danny reached over and tickled her. She let out small laughs and Danny continued the story.

"Then I'll huff," Danny took a deep breath,"...and I'll puff," another breath,"...and I'll blow your house in!" He exclaimed finally, making little Ellie explode in more giggles.

"Ahhh!" Elizabeth let out an excited scream as Danny attacked her small stomach with tickles again. Suddenly the door to Ellie's hospital room opened.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your highness, but I brought you another change of clothes." Grace entered the room, holding a small backpack.

"Grace!" Elizabeth exclaimed, holding out her arms.

"Hello Ellie." Grace smiled and pulled the small girl in for a hug.

"Thank you Grace," Danny smiled, "And I told you... you don't have to be so formal. Just call me Danny."

"Of course... Danny." Grace smiled back at the ghost king. Grace looked around for an awkward minute when she finally remembered something.

"Oh! I almost forgot, Vlad said that he would be stopping by in a bit. Although he did mention that he had to pick up a few things first.

"Ugh." Danny groaned, "More presents I'm guessing?" Grace laughed and nodded.

"YES! I have to bring presents to my god baby!" Vlad burst through the hospital door, holding said presents.

"Uncle Vlad! Uncle Vlad!" Ellie gasped and held out her arms to invite him into a hug.

"Ellie! How are you my sweet god baby?" Vlad exclaimed, hugging her tighter.

"I'm good." Ellie giggled. Vlad stood up straight, holding both of his hands behind his back, grinning.

"Have you been good Ellie?" Vlad asked as he always did before giving her a present.

"Yes! I didn't cry when they gave me a shot today, see?" Ellie's eyes lit up as she held out her arm and pointed to her band-aid proudly.

"Ah, very good. Then you deserve this!" Danny facepalmed at the sight of the huge wrapped box as Vlad carefully laid the present across Elizabeth's lap.

"Go ahead and open it Ellie." Vlad said in a softer tone of voice. The trio watched the small child as she ripped open the wrapping paper and flipped open the box.

"Oh.." Ellie said in wonder.

"What is it sweetie?" Grace asked. Ellie looked up suddenly and closed the box, trying to hide what was inside. She shook her head repeatedly as she tried to push the box behind her.

"Ellie, it's okay. You can show everyone." Vlad smiled, his eyes softening. Ellie continued to shake her head.

"N-no." she said quietly as her eyes brimmed with tears as she glanced over at her father. Danny's eyes gave a cold glare towards Vlad.

"Vlad, come with me for a moment." Vlad quickly followed Danny out of the room.

"What was in that box?" Danny asked firmly.

"Well.. uh-"

"Don't try to lie to me Vlad." The tall ghost man shivered at Danny's voice.

"It's nothing bad. If that's what you're thinking-"

"Just tell me! What was the present that you gave my daughter-!"

"It was a photo of Y/N!" Danny suddenly became quite. "It was a photo of Y/N okay? It was one of the only pictures that actually had all three of you in it." Danny continued to stare at the ground, not saying a word.

"I thought she should have it." Vlad said at last, "I know... I know that you are still grieving for her, but I don't think you should hide Y/N from Ellie. She deserves to know who her mother was."

Vlad and Grace left. Ellie still refused to show Danny the picture in the box.

"You know I love you Ellie." Danny whispered as he held his daughter close to him, looking up at the hospital ceiling in the dark.

"I love you too Daddy." Ellie yawned,

"A-and Mommy too." 

Hello my little mini muffins!!! I have decided to publish this chapter earlier in the day for you guys!!! I hope you all have enjoyed this chapter and I swear, longer chapters are coming soon!!! I love you all my little mini muffins!!! I hope you all have a good day-night-timezone thingy!!! XXD 


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