Chapter 2

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You stared at the mirror with an annoyed expression. Since you'll be enrolling in Yusaku's school, they gave you, of course a school uniform, and you were not happy about it. "Hurry up already.... " Yusaku said from outside the door. You rolled your eyes and picked up your bag, exiting the room. He certainly seemed grumpier than usual, probably because you're tagging along. "One more thing." Yusaku took out an electronic bracelet and put it on your wrist. "What's this for?" You raised an eyebrow and took a look at the bracket, tho it didn't took you long to realize it was some sort of tracking device. "Really?" You sweat dropped at Yusaku, who just looked at you calmly. "That's so you don't escape." He replied and just walked off. "Jerk...." You muttered under your breath and walked with him, well more like behind him.

You just kept swearing under your breath until Yusaku stopped in front of a huge building, which you assumed was school. Weird, you don't even have memories of ever going to school, yet you still know lots of useless stuff.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today!" Teacher cheerfully announced. You smiled and politely introduced yourself, while also looking at Yusaku who seemed disinterested at the moment. 'That guy.....' You slightly glared at him, just what's his deal. The teacher told you to sit next to some girl, luckily you didn't have to sit next to Yusaku. "Hi, my name is (F/L/N)  (F/N), welcome to our school." The girl smiled kindly at you, she seems nice. "Thank you, it's nice to meet you, (F/N)" You smiled back at her. "Hey, did you saw that duel between Playmaker and that Hanoi Girl?" She asked you excitedly. Yes, you supposed that almost every girl here is crazy over Playmaker, with you being the only smart person who isn't. "Yeah, I did..." You replied but toughed back at the nickname she gave you, not directly to you. Hanoi Girl, that actually sounded pretty cool, better than Playmaker. The thought made you chuckle. "The duel was amazing! And don't you think the girl looked little too cool to be Hanoi?" Now this comment surprised you. You, cool? "Um..." You muttered and sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck. You two stopped talking for now and payed attention to the class. Your thoughts drifted off to Revolver. Will he ever come? Does he even care?

It was lunch time. You didn't have anything to eat, but it didn't even matter to you. You sat on the roof of the school and just stared at the sky. "Will you ever come for me, Revolver-sama?...What am I talking about, I'm not worthy...." You muttered, feeling something painful in your heart, it was sadness.... The man you care about doesn't seem to care about you... "Toughed I'll find you..." You heard a voice and quickly wiped away few tears. "What do you want?" You asked harshly, but quietly. "Why do you think Revolver won't come to save you?" Yusaku asked ignoring your harsh question. He sat next to you and carefully studied you with his emerald orbs. "Why would he? It doesn't look like he'll show up anytime soon..." You sighed again, it really affected you... "Uh... Hate to ruin the moment, but Revolver is challenging Yusaku to a duel." Yusaku's Ignis spoke and both yours and Yusaku's eyes were on him. "Take a look." Ignis than played a clip on the screen.

"Playmaker, I challenge you to a duel. I know you have (VR/N) and I want her back. "

Your eyes went wide. Revolver cared, he really did care for you. "See, I told you. " Yusaku sighed and was about to go to VRAINS. "Wait." You started tugging Yusaku's jacket. "I want to come too." Yusaku looked at you and shook his head at your question. "You can't. The bracelet forbids you from logging in VRAINS. " Ignis explained simply. This made you even more angry, but before you could protest, Yusaku vanished into LINK VRAINS. "Damnit!!!" You cursed out loud. What now?... You looked at the bracelet. Maybe you could hack it? Why not. And as said,in a matter of second you had hacked the bracelet,now the only problem is a duel disc. Yusaku seemed to took away yours before. And that was the only duel disc you had! "There you are, (Y/N)-Chan. Hurry up class is about to start." (F/N) seemed to show up just in time. You grinned and quickly went to her. "Um... Hey (F/N)-Chan, can I borrow your duel disc?" The girl gave you a puzzled look but shook it off. "Sure, here.." She gave you genuine small and handed you her duel disc. "Thank you so much (F/N)-Chan!!!" You exclaimed and whizzed pass her. Now you just had to find a perfect place for telepirting. "This should do it...." You make sure that no one's here and to close the door of course.  "INTO THE VRAINS!!!"

As you logged in, the first thing you saw were Revolver and Playmaker. You were far from them, so they didn't notice you. "I need to get there fast!" You jumped on your D-Board. "Don't lie and say why you really want (VR/N)!!" Playmaker yelled. He knew you were here. Despite not liking this idea, Playmaker wanted you to know the truth. You stopped near a building and looked curiously at Playmaker. "What are you talking about?!" Revolver yelled back and shoot him a glare, Playmaker however looked at you. His lips were moving but you couldn't hear what he was saying. Then, something hit you... You knew what he said, you knew exactly. Your mind was now clouded. You couldn't hear nor see anything except dark.

"You know this is dangerous, Playmaker-Sama...." Ignis warned, but Playmaker just stayed quiet. You looked up at both Playmaker and Revolver, however your eyes weren't those bright (E/C) orbs. They were red, glowing and showing no mercy. A wicked grin was resting on your face as you raised your hand up high. "APPEAR, CIRCUIT OF DESTRUCTION!!!" A huge wave of dark energy came. The sky went red. And people from the outside weren't able to see what's going on inside the LINK VRAINS.

"(Y/N)..." Revolver looked at you in disbelief and pure horror. He knew about this before, but he never toughed you'll be so frightening. It was his falut, no it's Playmaker's...but... In a way, this was one of the reasons why he kept you... Now what...


(A/N)  hellooo readers!!  Hope you enjoyed this chapter!  I wanted to put some berserk in because I. LOVE. BERSERK. PEOPLEEEEE ESPECIALLY YUYA!!! Anyways, please don't kill me for putting this....
See ya in the next chapter, bey!!


Link To Her Heart [Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker X Female! Reader X Revolver]Where stories live. Discover now