Chapter 13

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Aki chuckled at this. "Yes, I am aware of that, but weren't you the one that killed her mother?" Now it was Dennis' turn to growl, as his playful smile got replaced with a frown. "I had to...She was-" Dennis' eyes widen as he got punched in the guts by the female, causing him to fall on the ground, groaning in pain. "If I see you, sick bastard anywhere near (Y/N)..." Aki spoke, narrowing her eyes in a glare, lifting Dennis by his collar. "You know what's coming... and it won't be pleasant at all..." With that, Aki threw Dennis again, turned around and casually walked off, as if nothing even happened.

Next day was, thankfully more relaxing than the past one. Weather was nice, and for a split moment it was like everyone forgot about the past rather odd events. You smiled at this, finally, a day off! Well, at least you hoped it will. "Hey, (Y/N)." Yusaku casually greeted. You swallowed (F/F) and looked at the cotton candy haired male. "'Sup." You greeted just as casually. The male sat down opposite from you and put two tickets on the table. You looked at them curiously, before back at Yusaku. "What are those?" You asked. "While I was inside the network, this guy named Dennis gave me those. It seems like he knew you in the past, so perhaps we could ask him about it?" You nodded, liking the idea of attending this kind of event, special Entertainment by the greatest Entertainment duelist himself. "I also met someone while I was inside the network, her name is Aki. She said I remind her of someone?..." Yusaku nodded and put his index finger on his chin, as if thinking about something. "Hm...there could me a slight possibility that she is also someone you used to know, but it's still not certain." You nodded with a small sigh, this only makes everything even more complicated than it already was. "Well anyways, I think we should go, hopefully we won't run into anyone...evil or something like that." Yusaku chuckled ever so lightly at your statement. Kusanagi then entered with a small smirk on his face, seeing the two of you. "So, how is our favorite couple doing?" The older male asked playfully, making you sweatdrop slightly. "They are planning to go on a date!!" Oh boy...Yes, Ignis again... Kusanagi chuckled. "That's nice. But, I'm gonna have to take AI and (Y/N)'s duel disc to properly analyze them." You laughed sheepishly, yeah...poor Kusanagi didn't get to analyze your duel disc and deck since there were lots of emergencies. You smiled and put your duel disc and deck on the table. "Go ahead, I hope I won't need it tho..."


It was time to get ready, you of course didn't have anything fancy to wear, just a few tomboy-ish outfits kusanagi gave you, however you did have this strong urge to at least do something with your hair. Finally, you were ready to go and made your way to where Yusaku was. He was wearing his usual school outfit, which you didn't mind honestly, he looked pretty cute in it...wait...what?? You quickly shook those thoughts away. "Well, let's go." The said male looked at you, eyes slightly widened...You looked beautiful...small blush appeared on his face, but luckily he managed to hide it from you. Of course, before you two left, Kusanagi and Ignis wished you luck on your "date". You were only a little bit annoyed by that, but found it funny actually. Mostly because both AI and Kusanagi are so supportive of your and Yusaku's "relationship", tho you hardly believed it's ever gonna happen.

"I like what you did with your hair, looks better than your usual hairstyle." You looked at Yusaku with a small pout. "Is that suppose to be a compliment?" The male chuckled slightly and nodded. "In a way, yes." You playfully punched his arm. "Hey!" You said childishly. Wow...who would've thought that you'd be joking around with the guy you used to hate when you first met.

"I wonder what kind of show will this be?..." You asked looking at Yusaku. " it says that Macfield has his own dueling system that doesn't require going into The Link VRAINS." That caught your interest a little. Soon, you and Yusaku both arrived at the huge stadium where the show will take place at.

"Good evening, Den City! I am Dennis Macfield, here to entertain you! Are you ready? It's show time!!" The crowd went wild hearing the young male. Dennis snapped his fingers and suddenly, the dark stadium was light up with bright colors. You awed a little, however, your gaze wondered towards the center where this Dennis was, a memory suddenly flashed.

"Dennis-San!! Can you XYZ summon for me, pretty please!!" You asked the taller and seemingly older male. He sighed and bent over to your level. "Why me?" Dennis asked back, sounding just as childish as you. This made you giggle. "I wanna see your magician again and talk to him!" You exclaimed again. Dennis chuckled and patted you on the head before standing up straight. "Alright then!!" Male grinned and activated his duel disc, and very soon, there it was, the monster you were looking for. You quickly jumped on The Trapeze Magician as it inactively flew up high. "No!! (Y/N)!! Trapeze Magician, bring her back!!" Dennis worriedly yelled, but the monster ignored him. Very soon, you and Trapeze Magician came back. "Oh, thank God you are okay...what were you thinking??" Dennis asked as you got off of the monster and smiled, hiding something behind your back. "Don't worry, I told him to do that, so that I could get this for you. I got it from the data storm." You grinned even wider as you handed the card to he older male, he blinked a little in surprised, but took the card and looked at it with a light smile. "Entermage Playhouse..." he read the name of the card. "Yup! And it's just for you, Dennis-San." Dennis and patted you on the head again. "Man, (Y/N) you are unbelievable..."

"What is it (Y/N), do you remember him?" Yusaku asked as you came to your senses and nodded. "Yea, I do...he looks much younger now for some reason?..." Yeah, you found it weird, but regardless, you put that aside.

"My turn, draw!" Dennis cheerfully said, but that soon dropped as he realized what card he drew. "Entermage Playhouse..." He muttered quietly, so that no one could her him, the same vision you had just now. His gaze traveled and soon met yours. You had that same smile from before, the one he remembered and will always. 'Why?...Why did I drew this damn card?!...I was suppose to draw one that would kill you, right here and now...but...even if I did, would I have the courage to do it?....You are the Goddess Suicide, the one that killed many, but...are you still that (Y/N) I used to know?...' Dennis wondered with soft eyes, as more memories flashed trough his mind.

"From my hand I activate field magic, Entermage Playhouse!!" This only made you a little surprised, but regardless you smiled. "It is him..." more beautiful colors and monsters appeared due to Entermage Playhouse's effect, making the crowd go wild again. Dennis, of course won the duel. He took one last look at you. 'I won't kill you today, (Y/N)...not tomorrow...but soon, I's my duty...'

Aki was watching the entire thing from up high, where no one could see her. "You little bastard..." The female growled under her breath, but sighed. "At least he didn't hurt her..." The female muttered quietly before looking at you and Yusaku. "You better treat her right, Playmaker..."

(A/N) Hello guys!! So this was one light-hearted chapter, more relaxing I guess? I don't know, I enjoyed writing this one, hope it was okay for ya'll as well. Anyways, that's it for this chapter, love ya'all and thank you for reading! Bye!~


Link To Her Heart [Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker X Female! Reader X Revolver]Where stories live. Discover now