Chapter 11

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"This is quiet interesting duel, don't you think so?" Ghost Girl asked her female friend, who had quite indifferent expression on her face. "I suppose it is...o you think Playmaker'll lose?" The female asked back, whilst Ghost Girl just smiled at her question. "Well, it wouldn't be fun if he did~" Ghost Girl giggled lightly, however, the two did notice another girl arriving on her D-Board. "Hey, wasn't that the same girl that interrupted duel between (VR/N) and Revolver?" The girl simply nodded at Ghost Girl's question before jumping on her D-Board and following the other female. Ghost Girl sighed a little, but followed her friend regardless.

'What do I do?....' You nervously thought to yourself, if you don't do something quick, Playmaker is going to lose!! "Use your skill...." Dragon spoke, you nodded your head even tho you never even knew you have a skill, but it's worth the shot. "SKILL ACTIVATES!!" A tornado formed around you, you glanced at Kibou again as you tried to keep your balance. "Play Set..." Kibou whispered the skill's name. "PLAY SET!!!" You yelled as Playmaker and (F/N) both had surprised and shocked expressions. "I can only activate this skill during the battle phase, I choose one random trap card from my hand and activate it!" (F/N) however only laughed at this, little too loudly. "Oh, please, Ancient cards cannot be destroyed or negated by 'normal' traps." 'Then let's hope the card I get'll be Ancient card...' You thought to yourself as a card appeared in your hand, you nervously looked at it... "Ancient card, Arise Of Hope activates!!" Both Playmaker and (F/N) gasped. "Damn you..." (F/N) muttered glaring at you. "

"This card negates yours and we all gain additional 1000 life points..."




"Even so, Playmaker still can't use his skill. That was quite impressing move, (VR/N), but I guarantee, you two are going to lose this duel~" (F/N) said with a smirk, something about how determinate she sounded while telling this was making you worried.

"Magic card, Cynet Universe activates! All link monsters I control gain 300 attack points."

[Encode Talker----3300----3600]

"From my hand, I activate Goddess Hack Uma's effect! Once per turn I can target one monster on the field, 'til the end of this turn that monster can't be targeted by other magic, trap nor monster effects, I target Playmaker's decode talker!"

Playmaker nodded at you with a grateful yet small smile. "I summon Cyberse Wizard! [- lv- 4 ATK- 1800 DEF- 800] Battle! Cyberse Wizard attack Aggressive Security Block!" Even now, (F/N) still stayed unfazed. "Encode Talker's monster effect activates! Cyberse Wizard isn't destroyed in battle and I take no battle damage this turn. Furthermore, Encode Talker now gains Aggressive Security Block's attack points!"

[Encode Talker----3600----5900]

"Battle! Encode Talker attack Aggressive Executor!" You grinned a little at this, you two'll win this...

"Nice try, Storm Eye's other effect activates, as long as I control two or more Aggressive monsters I take no battle damage and my monster isn't destroyed." (F/N) grinned, both you and Playmaker scoffed.

"I end my turn."

"My turn, draw!-" Your eyes widened at the card you drew. "N-No..." you muttered in horror.

"Your weakness is your ace monster, the one you put your soul into, the one you hold having an ace monster, you are telling me that all your other cards are weak compared to it..." You spoke in a low and monotonous voice to your opponent. "Th-That's not ture! I-" Your opponent defended, but you cut him off. "You are bonded with your monsters...that's much worse. They might seem like they care about you, but they don't , they feed off of your spirit, and eventually because of them, you are going to die. It's the same with people, really..."

Yet another vision flashed trough your mind. However, this one felt more darker than the last one you had. "I set a card...and end my turn..." You said in the same tone you had in that vision, this worried both Playmaker and AI.

"My move, draw! Magic card, Polymerization activates! I fuse Aggressive Executor and Aggressive Security Block! Angered beast with pitch-black eyes,spread your wings painted in blood and break the doors of hell with your magnificent fangs!! FUSION SUMMON!!! Appear, Level 9, The Ultimate Annihilator, Blood Wing Dark Dragon Of Insanity! [LV- 9 4500/3000] "

"Woah...that monster looks even more scarier in person..." Ignis commented as Playmaker narrowed his green orbs. "Something about this move doesn't seem right..." He slowly replied. "Eh? What do you mean, Playmaker-Sama?"

"Quick magic!! Goddess Suicide activates!!" Playmaker and Ignis looked at you with wide eyes. "What??" They yelled simultaneously. "What are you doing, (VR/N)??"

(F/N) started laughing. "See? I told you she'll use that card!! Now, (VR/N) be a sweetheart and explain what the card does~" As (F/N) spoke a third eye appeared on her forehead, making her look more demonic.

"....I tribute a monster on my field...and gain control of one monster on my opponent's field..." You looked at Hope Harbinger with quite indifferent expression as he disappeared from your field. "No!! (Y/N)!! Don-" The dragon couldn't finish his sentence as he already vanished.

"(VR/N), Stop!!" Yelled Playmaker, but that didn't affect you at all.

"Battle...furthermore, due to Goddess Suicide's effect, magic, trap nor monster effects can't be activated during the turn this card was activated...Blood Wing Dark Dragon Of Insanity, attack (F/N) directly, HELL DIVINE STRIKE!!!" You declared determinedly as the said dragon lunged forward, prepared to attack.

"I think you forgot something...Ancient Trap, Suicidal Price!! Remember that Ancient cards aren't treated as normal trap nor spell cards. Now, due to Suicidal Price's effect, your card is destroyed, I can also take control of any three monsters that are either on the field of on the graveyard, come back to me now, Blood Wing Dark Dragon Of Insanity!! Encode Talker and lastly, arise from the dead, Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy!!"

"Wh-What did I do?...." You muttered slowly to yourself, but it was already too late.

"Now, in addition to it, Suicidal Price also destroys all set cards on both of your fields....Battle!! Encode Talker, attack Playmaker directly!!"


Playmaker looked at you as his life points dropped to 0 and he was sent flying off of his D-Board.

"P-Playmaker!!!" You yelled trying to reach out for him, which caused (F/N) to laugh again.

"Don't you see what you did, (Y/N)?~ Now it's all over~ Blood Wing, attack (Y/N) directly!!"


Luckily, you didn't fall off like Playmaker did, tho you were close.

"Not enough!!! You're gonna feel how is it to get killed by your own soul, isn't that what you always say, Goddess Suicide?~ Now, go Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy, end her!!!"

The dragon obeyed and knocked you out from your D-Board, you looked at him with sad eyes. 'I'm so sorry, Kibou...' You said to yourself before everything went black....

"D-Dad?...Pl-Please, wake up...d-dad...." You said with teary eyes, trying to wake your father up, but it seemed like...he's gave up trying and looked behind you, your eyes shadowed. "You did this...You killed him!!!"

(A/N) Hello guys!! I'm very sorry for not uploading on Thursday as I promised, I've been very busy travelling and when I came back home I was tired and lazy...also, I realized I absolutely suck at tag duels as you can see, forgive me for that too...anyways, see ya'all on Monday, bye my readers~!


Link To Her Heart [Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker X Female! Reader X Revolver]Where stories live. Discover now