Chapter 19

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"(Y/N)!!" Someone yelled, it was obviously Yusaku. You felt yourself smile hearing his voice. "Yusaku-" you were immediately cut off by a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around you. It all happened so quickly. Just a minute ago he was standing near the doorway, his emerald green eyes showing worry, and now he's here hugging you as if he hasn't seen you in ages. Not to mention, your face was beat red and your mind was blank. Even so, you felt yourself relax in his embrace and wrap your slender arms around Yusaku's neck as your head leaned against his shoulder. You glanced at Reji who was still in the room looking at you two with slightly wide eyes. Just a moment after, he gently smiled and got up, taking the hint that you two need some alone time, and with that he walked away.

There could only be heard your loud heartbeat... This... Feeling... You remembered when Yusaku hugged you before, there was a small spark back then, but not as strong as the one you are feeling now. In all honesty, this feeling was taking your breath away, making you feel slightly dizzy. Why did you start to feel this now, in this situation where everything is crazy as hell.

"Yusaku..." You muttered, your voice barely a whisper. Yusaku tightened his grip around your waist in a protective manner. Something is definitely wrong... "Yusaku?..." You muttered again feeling more worried. "(Y/N)..." Yusaku finally spoke up, small sigh of relief left your lips, but still, he sounds so worried. "Promise me... You'll stay away from Link VRAINS for a while... Please... There are so many people after you, one entire freaking dimension wants you dead... Please just.... Don't go there until everything calms down.... Promise?" He finally looked up at you, it seemed as if he was on the verge of tears. His request was a little absurd to you. Stay away from Link VRAINS? Simply impossible! But... You didn't want Yusaku to worry, he suffered so much today and you definitely don't want to start arguing with him about this, so you just nodded. Weak smile forming on your face. "I promise Yusaku... I (L/N) (Y/N) promise not to go in Link VRAINS until the situation calms down." The corner of Yusaku's lips twisted into a small smile before he leaned his head against your shoulder again. You found this very comforting and so did he. You smiled again before taking a small glance at the clock on the wall. 6 AM. No one got any sleep because of the earlier events, it made you feel bad. It's all because of you after all... You bit your lip. There are still so many missing pieces... Suddenly you felt soft breathing near your neck. Your cheeks become red again. It seems Yusaku was really exhausted. Slowly, you pulled away from the hug and placed Yusaku on the couch. He looked so cute while sleeping... You observed him for a while and noticed there was definitely something wrong. He was furrowing his eyebrows and even glaring in his sleep. Is he having a nightmare? You bit your lip, there was a small hesitation before you laid next to him and slowly pulled him into a comforting hug. Your face was facing his chest and his chin was resting on the top of your head. You felt Yusaku relax in your hold. It worked... You felt your eyes slowly starting to close and before you even knew it, you drifted off to sleep.

"It's finally my time to return the favor I guess..." Short male muttered to himself as he stared at the cute little couple trough the window. The male figure smiled as he looked up at the sun.

It was just after you become this 'Goddess Suicide'. Just at the thought of you killing your own father without mercy was making the male slightly afraid of you. Yes, he was afraid of you. Even so, he tried to understand the situation you were in, like a good friend he is. "Haruto, I'm home..." The male muttered loud enough to be heard, but there was no response. "Haruto?..." He was getting worried. Quickly, male checked the rooms, but they were empty... His brother was gone.... And he knew exactly who took him.


"Why!?!? Why my brother you piece of shit!?!?" The blonde male glared at his so-called 'friend', recognized as Kurosaki Shun. "I know you're still on her side..." Shun spat. "You are our enemy now, Tenjou Kaito..." The blondette scoffed. "Me!?!? Enemy!?!? You are the one that's betraying your own dimension, your friends!! How could you Shun!?!? And even though (Y/N) killed her own father, she's still my friend, she's still our friend!! You used to laugh all the time with her and now you're acting like you don't even know her!!" Shun simply chuckled at this little speech. "Oh please, save it Tenjou. You're blinded by her lies, how can't you see it!?!?" Shun yelled, but suddenly an idea popped into his mind. "Tell you what... Let's duel. If you win, I'll leave Academia, but if I win...-" Shun abruptly stopped. The expression and on Kaito's face was full of anger, as if he knew what the other male wants. Shun just chuckled. "Don't worry, I won't ask of you to kill her, but if I win you'll be forced to join Academia, so eventually you'll be forced to kill her, how does that sound?" Kaito continued glaring at him, then a sigh escaped his lips. "Deal..." The blonde muttered loud enough for the other one to hear him.

Link To Her Heart [Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker X Female! Reader X Revolver]Where stories live. Discover now