Chapter 20

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"What now?" Ryo asked the blonde male. "Gather everyone up... (VR/N) and Playmaker won't be able to protect Link VRAINS on their own..." Ryo gave him a small nod. Both wore stone hard expressions. "Understood... Say, have you found anything out about that spirit binding disease?" Kaito shook his head with a heavy sigh. "No, nothing yet... But, I do remember (Y/N) once said that it's more dangerous than death..." Ryo gave a questioning look to Kaito, it was really confusing both of the males at the moment. "More dangerous than death?..." He repeated, but just couldn't understand what it means. "Anyways... We should get going..."

Everything was falling apart, right before your very eyes. The ultimate dimension splitting into five others. You remembered your father's words: "There was five dimensions, Synchro, Fusion, XYZ and Standard." Now that you looked at it better, it seemed like there are six dimensions now. Where did this sixth one come from? "The hidden dimension has appeared... The sixth dimension was the last piece of The ARC Area Project, yet no one knew about it..." You were still looking ahead, as if ignoring the person next to you. "They are dead now... They can't get back..." You replied nonchalantly. "Yes, you're right...but, you're the one that completely killed them, well at least Zarc." You just snorted. "I know that, Revolver..."

Your eyes snapped opened as you sat up, scanning the room and desperately trying to catch your breath. Your heartbeat increased. The creepy thing about the dream you had was that it wasn't a dream at all, it was a memory, you could feel it... Which meant, Revolver knows everything about your father, dimensions... 'So... Does this mean Revolver and I were close in the past..? And just what the hell were we talking about in that dream?! Who's this Zarc?' You sighed... Too many thoughts at once... You took a glance at Yusaku's sleeping form and cracked a smile before looking at the clock. 9 AM... Yusaku was luckily still sound asleep, or so you thought... You felt a sudden movement from him.

"(Y/N)...." He stuttered your name, his emerald orbs half closed. He seemed sick... You gave him a worried look before placing a hand on his forehead. He was burning up. "Yusaku..." You let out a small sigh. "I see you're up.." your head snapped towards the doorway where Reji was standing, having a light smile on his face. Your cheeks reddened a little from embarrassment since Yusaku was still hugging you and Reji here probably saw... everything... You cleared your throat, but not too loud. "Y-Yeah... uhm, hey Reji-San, can you please go to pharmacy and buy some medicine for Yusaku? He has a fever..." You looked back at Yusaku. His eyes were squinting and cold sweat was dripping down his forehead. Reji simply nodded at your request. "Of course, I'll return soon..." You muttered small 'alright' as you got up. You made your way to the kitchen, right now, Yusaku needs something warm and healthy. The first thing that came to your mind was soup, simple and warm. You took out necessary ingredients and started cooking.

It didn't took a while before the soup was ready. With a small smile on your face, you poured some soup in a bowl and took a spoon. "Yusaku, the soup is- Yusaku?" you looked around. Yusaku wasn't in the living room. "Yusaku!!!" you called out as loud as you could. Shit. You dropped the bowl from your hands and swiftly ran to check other rooms, but... he was nowhere to be found.

"(Y/N), I'm back with the- what's wrong?" Reji came in, just in the right time. "Reji-San! Have you seen Yusaku?!" You asked worriedly, your (E/C) eyes starting to get teary. The older male shook his head. "Which means... he went to Link VRAINS, that idiot!" You screamed. Without second thought, you grabbed your duel disc. "INTO THE VRAINS!!!"

"Finally, you came." That voice seemed... familiar to you...

"Gloria...." You growled under your breath and glared at her. However this time, she wasn't alone. There were six guys with her, and out of them you recognized two of them. Edo and Shun.

"I don't have time for this, where's Playmaker?!" One of them chuckled at you. "You'll find out, if you win against us..." These guys seem like real pros, probably the best duelists they have. You gulped.

"Let's do this!-"

"We'll be joining." Aki? She was with three others.

"We'll participate too."

"Go Onizuka, Blue Angel?" In front of me appeared two biggest charisma duelist in the entire city. And.... they are gonna fight alongside me?...

"(VR/N)..." Aki's voice snapped you out of your little thoughts.

"Y-yes..." You looked her in the eyes. She looked dead serious, something you rarely ever saw.

"Listen..." Aki started. "This is gonna be a tough fight, that's why... we need the Goddess Suicide."

"Wh-What?!?! Are you serious?!" You covered your fear with an angry expression. You fear Goddess Suicide, you fear of the things you are capable of in that form.

"Believe me.... please...." She begged. As you looked at her you saw her expression change into sad one. What the?.... What should you do?....

"I... al... alright...." You muttered and slowly closed your eyes. An image of a person appeared right before you, but it was blurry. Your rapid heartbeat made it look like that, as if your nervousness was blocking you from her. Even tho you couldn't see very well, you knew who was before you, with her hand extended for you to take. You finally calmed down, you didn't exactly knew how, but you did. You could see her face clearly, she had your face, your hair... but, only her eyes were different, they gave off this cold and dangerous feeling.

I have to do it...!

With hesitation, you took her hand. The corner of her lips twisted into a small smile.

"I am not you, and you are not me... but... we are still one... almost the same person..."

Those were the last words you heard, before your mind went blank. You lost the control and now everything is in the hands of The Goddess Suicide....

"Welcome back...." Aki nervously smiled, you could feel she was slightly afraid of you.

You let out a dark chuckle and slowly moved your head from side to side, making few cracking noises.

"Well? What are we waiting for? Let the Battle Royale begin...."

(A/N): Hello everyone!! Happy holidays to y'all I hope you had fun! So, as you can probably tell the next chapter is gonna be super long because of the Battle Royale and some more events that are going to happen, just a small warning ;) I'll have a pleasant surprise for you in the next chapter so watch out for that~ I was gonna originally make this one on one duel like Gloria VS (Y/N) , Shun VS Aki... etc... but, I changed my mind since Battle Royale would definitely be more fun to write!~ welp, that's it for this chapter, thank you SO SO SOOOOO MUCH for reading and see ya next time~!


Link To Her Heart [Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker X Female! Reader X Revolver]Where stories live. Discover now