You're Everything & More, Mate

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( Author's Note: I am SO SORRY i've taken this long to update, I work 2 jobs and go to college full time but I promise I will be doing weekly updates from now on, i've gotten the opportunity to continue the story I just haven't updated, but enough excuses, here's what you all have been waiting for, enjoy (: )

**** Logan's Pov ****

"So, Logan, where's my breakfast at, huh mister?" Izzy joked. 

We had gotten home from Armando's almost twenty minutes ago and I definitely forgot I told her I would make her breakfast.

"Ha, i'm sorry honey i'll get right to it. What would you like this morning, my lady?" I asked her smiling.

She grabbed her chin like she was thinking "Hmmmmm, surprise me" she said, kissing me on my cheek and leaving the kitchen.

 Man, I don't know what it is, but being around her just makes me the happiest I had ever been. I could do this everyday.

**** Izzy's Pov ****

I don't know what Logan was cooking but it smelled amazing... so amazing that Jason and Serena came downstairs to join us.

"Good morning, guys" I said to the happy couple.

"Hey, Iz, where's Logan?" Jason asked.

"He's in the kitchen making my breakfast" I said proudly

"Yes girl you're learning quickly. Hey babe you should go join him and make me some too" Serena joked.

Jason smiled and kissed her forehead. "Anything for you, baby"

Jason left to go cook with Logan and Serena came over to sit with me.

"So what's up with you and Logan?" Serena asked

"What about us?" I questioned.

"You two have been prancing around here all smiling and happy lately. Did you finally get together" Serena asked excitedly.

I shoved her slightly "No, we haven't gotten together yet. We're just like, dating, for now" 

"Ah c'mon you guys clearly like each other what's taking so long? I mean you 'claim' he's not your boyfriend but you stood up to your parents for him, You defended him with no hesitation, it was clear how you felt" she said bringing up the situation at the hospital.

"That's different. That wasn't me. My wolf was taking control" I said trying to explain myself

"You and I both know your wolf only takes control when you want her to, which means you felt strongly enough about the problem that you let her come to the surface. That was all you, Iz" she replied truthfully.

"Ugh, I don't know Serena I mean I really like Logan. It's hard to explain. Like being around him makes me feel all warm and tingly inside. Seeing his face every morning makes me smile from ear to ear. He does and says the sweetest things to me like i'm the only girl in the world. He makes me feel things i've never felt before. And now that I think about it, every single time I look into those beautiful blue eyes I know there is no where else I would rather be" I said pouring my heart out

Serena was looking at me with the biggest smile on her face, I just realized that I said all that. Maybe I shouldn't have.

"Aww, Oh my god! That was adorable. Hearing you talk about him like that and seeing that look on your face, girl don't waste anymore time. That boy is yours, end of discussion" she half-yelled happily.

"I know he is, and he knows i'm his too. Just waiting for the perfect moment, I guess" I answered honestly. There really was nothing holding me back from being with Logan anymore. I know that our mate bond was strong and there was no way I would be with anyone else. And I honestly didn't want to be with someone else, because I was beginning to realize deep in my heart that the only person I want to call mine is Logan Anderson.

Let's just see if I can say that out loud ....

*** Logan's Pov ***

"Ugh, I don't know Serena I mean I really like Logan. It's hard to explain. Like being around him makes me feel all warm and tingly inside. Seeing his face every morning makes me smile from ear to ear. He does and says the sweetest things to me like i'm the only girl in the world. He makes me feel things i've never felt before. And now that I think about it, every single time I look into those beautiful blue eyes I know there is no where else I would rather be"

I chuckled. Only Izzy would forget to block the pack out of the pack link. Definitely no need for her to say it out loud since i'm pretty sure the entire pack just heard what she said. 

But damn, hearing her say all those things about me had me grinning from ear to ear. That meant she liked me. She was waiting for me to ask her. She was beginning to fall for me, which only meant one thing... 

I was getting closer to making her mine forever.

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