4) Crushes

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We all get them. Heck, I even have some. It's always that one boy in school that stands out. You daydream in class about him and have a feeling in your stomach when you are around him. Or he's the one that you talk to everyday and he's like a best friend. I have 2 of those. I 3 guy best friends I only like 2 of them. Weird huh?

I got these from some of my male friends. And I may get some wrong but who cares.

Be you.

Stop trying to be like the most popular girl in the school. Just like in tip 2, be you. Who wants to be the it girl all the time. If you are a loud mouth, crazy, silly person like me, stop worrying about him and be yourself. My best friend tried to wear skinny jeans and a shirt that showed her "cleavage". Did she get him? Nope. Once she asked him he said no. I was actually standing right there when it happened. He asked her what happened to the silly teen we all know. She looked down. Then the next week she was herself. She actually moved on. Then he asked her out. It was funny the way he did it though. He literally surrounded her with his friends and walked dead in the center. She was so scared. And then he popped the question. She held her chest and sighed. I literally was in tears laughing at her face. But it was sweet but funny.

Don't do things you wouldn't think of doing.

Don't do what he likes if it's dangerous unless you do it. If he likes to do BMX, don't do it unless you do. Or unless you just wanna try it. My friend Kat always goes mud riding. That's what we do for fun in the south. Her boyfriend, Horton I think that's his name, does too. She did that way before she met him. She hunts, fishes, mid riding, 4 wheels, and plays in the mud. Shoot I play in mud too. And no we don't make mud pies, we grab mud and throw it. It's like a snowball fight but messier. I live on swampy land. Not on a swamp though. When it rains, my ground becomes soft and just stepping in it can make it turn to mud. Turns out Horton does those things too. Well don't try dangerous things he likes to do unless you do it too.


Brush yo dog gone teeth! Boys like girls with pretty smiles. Don't cover it up! smile! Be happy! He wants to see the real you. Now I gotta try this with Isaiah!

Love yall! comment on the next topic. I updated last Wednesday on accident when I was suppose to update every Sunday. So this is for Sunday. Love ya girlies!! 😘😘😘😘😘

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