8) Examples

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1.) If you don't do this for you, just do it for others, just set an example. You see people passing by homeless, abandoned, and sick people and animals every single day, you probaby pass by them too. You know you have some money, you know it's enough to give them at least a meal, but no, you walk right on by them. I don't care if you're in traffic, buy them some food, clothes, or anything. They are human beings too. Animals, they are just like us. Hungry, sick, and tired. They need homes too. If you want the world to change, start with you and help someone or something. Do something that you would want someone else to do. 

2.) Your little brothers and sisters look up to you. If they see you do something, chances are, they will try it. Trust me, I have been there with my little cousin. I had shouted something very profane, did something profane, and screamed it in front of him. He copied me when his teacher made him stand in the corner. Although he didn't use the words I did because I threatened to beat his behind, he did yell and almost slapped the teacher. Trust me, they watch everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING you do. You can't even use the bathroom without them saying they have to use the bathroom. But annoying little kids are apart of life.

I GOT COMPETITION ON SATURDAY! -_- I could have thrown a rifle but no regulation says that it's way to dangerous. But me flipping on top of my head isn't?! TF!!! I nearly killed myself with it. But then again I almost killed a girl throwing the rifle. -_- FML

SO ANYWHO! I still need cowriters and tips. Any suggestions? I'm moving on Friday, have competition on Saturday, and I have to work Sunday. Then next week I'm preparing for my birthday dinner at Tokyo, I'm getting ready for another competition, and working on papers. So if you can message me ideas on what to write next, that would be great. Also! I'm getting ready to publish another thing about the different stereotypes, what southerners mean, and the problems of different races, body shapes, and hair. So vote, follow, read, and be YOUNIQUE!!! (FYI, I spelt it wrong on purpose) Bye girlies!

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