Damon Salvatore

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Imagine Damon being head over heels for you but you don't know it because he believe you are to good for him but you over hear him talking to Elena about it


You stroll into the Grill with Caroline, Bonnie and Elena. You spot Damon and Stefan and all four of you join them

"Hey Damon how bout a game of pool" You smirk leaning across the table completely unaware that he had a good view of your cleavage

"Sure why not, what do I get if I win" he smiles at you

"How about if you win I'll give you a nice big kiss" You wink at him again unaware of how much of an effect you have on him

"And you do you get if you win" He gets two pool sticks and hands one to you

"Your my slave for a week" You say adding a little swing to your hips as you walk around the table to take your shot

"Damn I'm definitely winning now" He takes his shot and puts 2 balls In the pockets you huff

20 minutes later

you won the game much to Damon's disappointment, you now had a slave

"Don't worry Damon I wont be to mean" You smile and pat his cheek as he playfully glares at you

" Please I'd like to see what you have in store" He leans forward so you both were inches apart you smile before walking off trying to cover the blush creeping up your neck, truth was you had a major crush on the blue eyed vampire but you would never admit it. you sit done next to Caroline and sigh, she pats your shoulder and smiles sadly

"I'm gonna head home now you coming Elena" I get up and she nods after saying your goodbyes you both leave

"You know Damon likes you" Elena says out of the blue

"What ever I know your lying, he likes you remember" She just sighs and mutters whatever

The next morning

You woke up earlier that you would on a Sunday so you get dressed for a lazy day

You woke up earlier that you would on a Sunday so you get dressed for a lazy day

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as you head down the stairs you hear Elena and Damon talking

"Just tell her Damon" Elena sounds annoyed

"How am I suppose to do that, Y/N thinks where just friends" Damon says wait was what Elena said true did Damon really like me

" Well maybe if you told her how you felt" Elena argues and that's when I make myself known

"Morning, what are you two arguing about" you say looking them with feigned innocence which Elena saw right threw and smirked

" So How long" She knew you were standing there so you sighed

" Not long really" You say pouring some coffee

"What are you talking about" Damon looks at us and you smile

" well I was standing outside the door long enough for you to admit that you like me" you smile as he goes bright red, you lean up and kiss him before walking out leaving him stunned to what just happened

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