Marcel Gerard

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Imagine being Marcel's Girlfriend and all your insecurities make you believe your not good enough for him and you almost go suicidal but he stops you and tells you how much you mean to him

Warning trigger alert, talks about suicide if you don't like it please don't read


He doesn't love you

your to ugly

why would some one like him like you

He would be much happier if you were dead

All these thoughts in your head were making you rethink your relationship with Marcel. For 2 years you both have been happy well you tried to be happy the voices made you think other wise. Marcel had left for a meeting with Klaus and Elijah about the werewolves trying to kill the vampires and you sat on your shared bed thinking why would Marcel choose you, he could have any woman he wanted and he chose you, a suicidal freak. He knew about your abusive past and about the cuts that littered your wrists, you haven't cut since you met Marcel and you were grateful for that. You get up and head to the bathroom and pull out one of your razor blades you hid from Marcel and crashed to the floor and twirled it In your hand

do it no one will miss you

they will be glad you are dead

the voices were stronger now, as you went to place the blade to your soft skin your phone rang

M-Marcel Y-You


M-Hey I'll be home soon and I'm taking you to dinner ok

Y- oh ok

M- Hun you ok

Y-Yeah just tired

M-ok well see you soon love you

Y-love you too

After he hung you whispered bye for what you thought would be the final time, completely unaware that Diego was listening

you brought the blade down and cut multiple time on both sides very deeply and you started going dizzy from blood lost then the door smashed open

Marcel's P.O.V

After hanging up with Y/N I got a call from Diego

D-Diego M-Marcel

M-What's up

D-You need to get home now

M-What for

D-Y/N has gone suicidal again but i cant get in to the room

M-I'll be there shortly

I hang up and turn to the Mikaelson brothers

"Seems I have to cut this short" I say getting my jacket

"Do tell us if she gets better" Elijah looks at me I nod and vamp speed off and appear in front of Diego who looks frightened then the sent hit me, blood. I break down the door to the bathroom and see her on the floor

"Oh baby, why" I bit my wrist and feed her my blood before picking her up and lacing her on the counter to clean her newly healed wrists

"They said you wouldn't care" Tears streamed down her face as I look at her in horror

"Of course I would care Y/N I love you with my whole heart and if you die I'll die too" I pull her into a hug, she wraps her legs around my waist and arms around my neck as I carry her to bed

"But the voices...." I cut her off by kissing her

"Don't listen to a word they say, I love you and couldn't ask for some one better than you" I kiss her forehead as she falls asleep

"Don't leave me" Darkness falls over me as I hold her close

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