Stefan Salvatore

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Imagine you are a new vampire and you were feeding from a citizen and Stefan stops you from killing them and helps you control your hunger and you fall in love with him


Hunger was all you felt as you walked the streets of the unknown town

"Excuse me, but could you tell me where I am" You ask a passing woman

"Mystic falls dear, are you ok" She asks a little concerned

" I'm a little hungry but its ok, don't scream and follow me" You learned you could control people, she follows you into an alley away and you sink your teeth into her neck, you felt her going limp but before you could finish you were thrown into a wall

"You need to learn how to be less sloppy" A man was feeding the woman his blood and told her to leave and forget what I did

"Well I'm sorry but i couldn't help it, it feels as if I haven't eaten in forever" You say wiping your mouth as the man steps into the small amount of light, he had light brown hair and hazel eyes you could get lost in

"What's your name" He asks looking at your bloody top , wrecked leggings and old boots

"Y/N" He hands you his leather jacket and sighs

"Names Stefan, Stefan Salvatore" He smiles and your knees almost buck

"Why are you helping me" You ask but he ignores you

"Where is your house" He asks properly wanting to walk you home

"I don't have one, I don't even know where I am, the last thing i remember is someone shoving there wrist in my mouth and snapping my neck then i wake up in the forest outside of town. I don't even have any clothes" you say

"Where did you live" He says, his voice full of concern

"(H/T)" You say as he wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls his phone from his pocket

"Hey Care could you go to my house , oh and bring some clothes" He hangs up before this 'Care' could answer

At the Salvatore boarding house

The door swings open as a blonde strolls in with a black haired man

"Stefan is everything alright" The blonde says and Stefan motions for you to come out

"Well Steffy nice girl huh" The man winks at you and you glare right back at him

"Who's this" The girl looks at you then your clothes, she understood why he asked her to bring some clothes

"I'm Y/N" You say and she drags you upstairs to a bedroom

"I'm Caroline but your free to call me Care" She smiles and shoves you into a bathroom

"Get washed up and then get dressed, I'll wait here fore you then I'll do your hair" She says as you shut the door

Stefan's P.O.V

"Who's the stray" Damon says pouring himself a drink

"I found her feeding near the grill and John almost found her, he would have if I hadn't stepped in" I say looking at the stairs

"You like her brother, never thought after Elena died that you would look at another girl again (Sorry in this Elena dies after the ritual Klaus does to break the curse)" He says sadly before I could answer Caroline and Y/N walk down the stairs and even Damon chokes on his drink. She had on a black floral dress that had spaghetti straps and went mid thigh, a black cardigan that went to her knees and black heels. Caroline had cut her (H/C) to her shoulders and she had bangs. her skin was pale and beautiful with out make-up. she catches me staring and blushes, someone clears there throat

"Thanks for helping me Stefan" Y/N smiles at me and i nod

"I'm going to help you control your thirst so you don't kill innocent people" I say and she nods

"Don't tell me your gonna make her eat bunnies Stefan, teach her the Snatch, eat, erase" Damon smirks and Y/N looks confused

"You eat bunnies" She looks at me with horror


You look at him with sad filled eyes

"What did the bunnies do to you" you look at him angry

"Really Damon" Stefan looks at his brother which you have learned to be Damon

"I don't want to eat bunnies" you say

"I wasn't going to, i was going to give you blood bags and I asked Caroline to help" He say producing a bag of blood and hands it to you

" I'll take you shopping so you have more clothes but you have to be able to handle your hunger, don't worry though I've been there and so has Stefan and Damon, we all know how hard it can be" Caroline smiles at you

" Ok, is it ok if i try your way Stefan first" You look at Stefan who seems surprised but nods

"Damon" A voice sounds as a Girl walks in, she had dark chocolaty skin and beautiful brown eyes and black hair, she strolls over to Damon

"Hello handsome" She kisses him before Walking over to you and Caroline and hands you a box

"Its lapis, it allows you to go out in the sun" She goes over and sits in Damon's lap and he wraps his arms around her waist, you open the box and a beautiful silver ring with a blue stone

"Do you want to feed now" Stefan asks

"Ok" You smile and walk out with him

20 minutes later

Stefan taught you how to hunt and you said you would try it, you both were walking along the bank of the river you found while hunting a deer, an idea popped into your head and you push Stefan in Laughing as he fell

"Really" He grabs you and pulls you in with him, as you both surface you realised how close you two were, his eyes flickered from your lips to your eyes, you nod slowly and lean in, he follows and as your lips touch it felt like fireworks where going off, when you both pull away he rested his forehead on yours

"Sorry" He says you smile

"I'm not" You wrap your arms around his neck kissing him again and giggling as you push him down into the water, completely unaware that Damon, Caroline and Bonnie are watching and smiling finally happy Stefan found love again

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