Niklaus Mikaelson

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Imagine meeting Niklaus in a park while painting while on vacation in new Orleans and as you two get to know each other Marcel decides to use you against him and almost kill you


You walk around the park looking for a spot to set up your easel, you spot a tall man with dirty blonde hair with a empty spot near by where he was so you head toward him

"Hi do you mind if I set up my easel here" he looks at you as you point to the spot on his right

"Go right ahead love its all yours" He smiles at you and you almost melt at his strong British accent

"Thanks" You say as you set up your easel and look at the kids playing in the park and decide to paint that. As you get half way through your painting you look at what the man was drawing

"Its beautiful" You look at his painting of the night sky " I usually have to wait for the actual night sky" You laugh and he joins in

"Yours is very interesting as well love" He places his brush down and comes to look at yours

"Why the kids" He asks you shrug

"It reminds me of when i was little and use to be full of energy, running around getting chased by my older brother, I'm Y/N" You stick your hand out for him to shake but instead of shaking it he takes it and places a kiss on your knuckles, you blush

"Niklaus but my friends call me Klaus but you love can call me Nik" He smiles and omg he has dimples

"Ok Nik, do you live here" you ask as you both go back to your paintings

" Yes, I just moved here recently, how about you love" He looks at me

" No, I'm only here for a vacation from all the drama back home

"Where do you live, if you don't mind me asking" I smile at his gentlemanliness

" Its ok I live in (H/T)" He smiles

" So what brings you to the French quarter" you notice that he had finished his painting

"Who wouldn't want to come to the town of jazz, i mean there's food, jazz, parades and even witches" You laugh at the last one

"Do you believe in witches" He asks you

"Hell yeah I do oh and vampires, werewolves and ghosts" you laugh

"Ok you might find me crazy but I'm a believer" He laughs alone with you

" I don't find you crazy love, but not many people do believe" his phone goes off and when he look back at you he had a frown

"I'm sorry love but it seems I have family trouble" He sounds sad

" Oh ok that's fine family first right" You say as you let you finished painting dry in the cool afternoon breeze, he hands you a piece of paper with a number on it

"We should paint together again sometime" You smile

"Here give me your phone" He does you type in your number and hand it back

"See you later love" He walks o with his stuff and you sigh before packing away your stuff and heading to your car, how can a guy you just met have such an effect on you. you get into your car and drive to your hotel when you get home you receive a message from an unknown number

Hello love, its Nik i was hoping we could go for coffee tomorrow, i want you to meet someoneXOXO

You smile at the last part but who was the person he wanted you to meet, was it his girlfriend, wife. there were so many options

Sure how about Rousseau's at 12 for lunch :)

See you then

After you get the reply you switch your phone on silent and make some dinner and head to bed

next morning

As you get changed ( A black dress that went to your knees, a black leather jacket and boots) you look at the time 11:45, you had woken up late so you had little time to get ready. you head out and walk to your friends restaurant and enter, you look for Nik you spot him at one of the back booths with a little girl and a blonde

"Hey Nik" you smile at him and the blonde looks at you with a glare

"Rebecca dear sister play nice" Nik looks at her then motions for me to sit

"Who's this pretty little thing" You smile at the child

" I'm hope" She smiles at me that's when you realised she had Nik's eyes

"Hopes mine" He says looking a little sad

"Where's her mother" you ask

" She died a little while ago" He reaches over and grabs Hope's hands

"Your going to go with aunt Rebecca now I'll see you at home" Hope smiles and jumps up into Rebecca's arms and they both exit the store

"She doesn't like me very much" You say

"Who" He asks clearly confused

"Rebecca" You say and he smiles

" She will warm up to you, its just not many people call me Nik either than my family" He says as the waitress walks over clearly eying off Nik, she leans on the table and pushes out her chest

"What can I get you handsome" she flirts but he was unaffected

"What do you want love" He looks at you with a smile and the waitress glares at you

"Chicken carbonara please" Nik orders the same and the waitress walks off and you start to laugh

"What's so funny love" He looks at me funny

"That poor waitress" you continue to laugh as the waitress places our food in front of us and slips Nik a piece of paper

" Well I only have eyes for one girl love and its not her" he looks at you as you start to eat your pasta, you look at him with a questioning look he smiles at me before eating. when we finish he leaves the number with the plates and links our arms

"Do you mind if i walk you home" He says you nod we walk to my hotel in a comfortable silence

"Thank you, for today and trusting me enough to meet hope" You say

"I'm glad you enjoyed today love" We reach my hotel and stop out the front

"thanks for walking me home Nik" you smile but he doesn't his eyes flicker to your lips then your eyes then back again before he leans in and his feather soft lips yours, you wrap your arms around his neck and toy with the hair at his nape, you both pull back breathless

" See you later love" He pecks your lips before walking off you smile as you walk toward the elevators to go to your room. as you go to open your door someone covers your mouth and everything goes black

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