Elijah Milaelson part 1

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Taryna's P.O.V
I sigh as I finish up the last of my food shopping. And go to pay for it and leave, I was just a normal human in mystic fall who just wanted to stay out of all the supernatural business and not get killed by some vampire or werewolf.
" Taryna" I turn and find Elena waving at me
" hey Lena what's up" I ask she walk beside me As I walk to my car to put my bags in the trunk
"I was having a girl sleepover you wanna come" she asks I sigh
" as long as nobody dies preferably me then sure I'll go" I sigh she smiles and runs off to tell Bonnie and Caroline as I drive off
I yawn since I lived with my parents who lived in a mansion just outside of town I had a bit to drive
Ding ding
Where is my phone, I look at the road and find it empty so I quickly dig through my bag and yank it out and when I look up a man was standing right in front of my car and bam now he's under the car.
" omg omg omg" I slam on he breaks and I practically fall from my car and race over to him, he had a bow ruinined suit he had stunnin features and dark chocolate hair
" s..sir are you ok" I lean down and press my ear to his chest.....no heartbeat
" oh no I just killed someone" I start to shake violently as I look around for anyone as a hand latched to my wrist and as I look all I see is a flash of teeth and darkness
Later that night
" did you really have to bite her so hard" a stern female voice
" she hit me with her car Rebeka" a male voice joins
" I say let's kill her we can't have her remembering anything" more voices
" no lol we cannot drag that kind of attention to us she is the daughter of Caleb Keller ( if you get the reference you are my new best friend) and he knows who we are" a British voice reply's
" just compel her already she should wake soon" a more formal voice joins
" get out I'll deal with her when she wakes" the deep voice snaps
" when Elijah has you not get hit then we wouldn't have to deal with it" that British voice says before I hear 4 steps of feet leave the room and only one remained
" I know your awake no point in hiding it" I groan and sit up my neck pounding
" who are you" I ask rubbing my neck
" my name is Elijah" he states helping me up
" didn't I hit you with my car and why does my neck hurt" I ask pulling away and backing up a little
" yes and sorry about you neck but you won't remember anything anyway" he says pinning me to the wall his eyes dilate
" you will not remember hitting me with your car and me hitting you. You hit a deer and I found you unconscious in your car and brought you to my house where you woke up" he says after repeating it i fall unconscious.
I moan and sit up
" are you ok" a man with brown hair asked
" um yeah that deer came out of no where" I mutter rubbing my neck
" is that what you hit I found you unconscious in your car" he says shifting onto the bed and looking at me his dark brown eyes seemed so welcoming and warm
" well let's get you home, your car is ok so it's still drivable so let's go" he helps me stand and walks me to my car and helps me into the passenger side then gets into the drivers side and i tell him the way to my place which is only a 15 minute drive from his home which is also a mansion as well

" thank you for driving me home and for helping me" i say pulling my things from my car he nods as another black car pulls up to pick him up

"oh and make sure not to hurt yourself for a few days" he yells i nod and enter the house my mother raced to my side and sighed in relief and ushered me upstairs as my father takes the food, i sigh and tell my mother i was going for a shower. 

i turn on the water and step in grabbing my body wash and i lightly sniff the bottle and then squeeze the contents onto my hand accidentally getting some on the floor. as i move i slip on the body wash on the shower floor and the last thing i see it my hands flaying around to get a hold of something as everything goes dark and there is no pain 

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