Klaus Mikaelson

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Imagine meeting Niklaus at a bar and he falls in love with you


You walk into the grill with Caroline who goes from happy to pissed in seconds

"What's your problem Care bear" She nods her head toward a blonde watching them more you than her from the bar

"So its a guy" You look at her with a smile

"Not just any guy that's Klaus" You sigh, you never got to meet the originals as Damon had sent you out of town the day Elijah showed his undead face

"Oh ok then, do you want a drink" You say and she mutters coke before going to find Tyler, move toward the bar three seats from Klaus and order

"Hello love" You slightly turn your head and meet a pair of vibrant blue eyes

"Hi" Your drinks arrive, you take them "Bye " You walk off leaving Klaus there with a smug look on his face to find Caroline and hand her coke to her

"So have you guys watched Suicide squad yet" (I decided it would be a good movie to add) Tyler asks you

"Duh, Captain Boomerang is a hotty, oh and the joker" Since you were single you could talk about famous people and not have to worry about a jealous boyfriend

" No Rick Flag is the sexiest man in that movie" Caroline smiles

"What about me" Tyler whines

"Seems you got replaced mate" Klaus had pulled a chair up to your table and sat down

"What do you want" Caroline whines at him and he pulls a face

"Whining does not look hot love" He mutters rudely you smack his arm and frown

"Don't be mean" You scold him and he sighs

"But....." You smack him again and glare Klaus mumbles something like a sorry and all of you look at him like he grew two heads

"Niklaus Mikaelson just said sorry, pop out the champagne and lets celebrate" Tyler says sarcastically and you roll your eyes and pout at him

"Sorry Y/N" he says with a smile and you sigh

"So love why haven't i meet you before" Klaus looks at you

"I was sent out of town when Elijah showed up and just got back 3 days ago" You say not wanting to give him the whole story, he looks unconvinced but doesn't say anything

" OK well we have to go now nice seeing you" Caroline grabs your hand and drags you out

"Hey i was still drinking there" she just glares and you shut up

"I'm going to go home now talk to you later" You head over to your car and drive to your house

"MUM I'M HOME" You yell out and you hear her in the kitchen

"Hey honey do you want anything to eat" She says looking at you

Nah I think I'll just go to bed" You smile and head up the stairs to your room and shut the door to get dressed, before you could go to bed there was a knock on your window but when you opened It there was nobody there but when you looked down there was a small package. you pick it up and sit on your bed and open it, you let out a small squeal, it was a signed copy of the movie Suicide squad and it had all the character signatures. a note falls out

had this lying around and thought you might like it


that's when you thought maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all

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