Tyler lockwood

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So this is a first request I've had for Tyler so I'm adding him to the list for one shots so here I go, wish me luckTaryna's P

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So this is a first request I've had for Tyler so I'm adding him to the list for one shots so here I go, wish me luck
Taryna's P.O.V
Keep your head down get to your locker then to class that's it that's all I have to do to complete the day. As I ramble in my head I collide with a shoulder and fall spilling my books everywhere, I look up and meet a pair of brown eyes as Tyler bends down helping me pick up my books
" so...sorry" I whisper he smiles and hands me my books helping me up
" not sweat" he says walking away as I watched him before putting my head back down and making it to my locker without any more issues
Skip school
I make it to my cousins car as she walks up
" hey taryna" Bonnie says smiling I smile back at the brown skinned beauty as we both get in
" hey bon bon" she pulls up at mine and I get out thanking her before going inside so find Mrs Lockwood on our couch talking with my mum
" oh taryna your home just in time" my mum stands as does Mrs Lockwood
" she's asked us for help and I think it will be good for you to do it" she says going to let Mrs Lockwood explain
" my son Tyler was turned hybrid by a monster is there anything that can be done to break the link between the two" Tyler was a supernatural like me
" there is but it will take time and hurt a lot" I say moving to get my mums grimour from the shelf and opening it to the page that was needed
" what do you need" she asks
" well we have everything but I'll need to do this with Tyler in the room and I'll need some of his and the sires blood" Mrs Lockwood frowns
" but I'm friends with Elijah so I have access to klaus blood" I say smiling pulling out my phone
Hey Elijah I need some of your brothers blood
Another one of your spells again
His blood is powerful
Nice to know I'm useful for something
Like I said it's powerful
I'll be over shortly
After he hangs up I go to the door as elijah knocks and hands me a vial
" thanks I turn but he grabs my hand
" whatever your doing if this hurts my brother you know I will kill you" he says I smile and pat his hand shutting the door and walking back to the lounge
" shall we go" I ask grabbing everything I needed and we headed for the door she opens her car door to the passenger side letting me in before getting in the drivers side and taking me to the Lockwood mansion and she lets me set up in the study we're it was most comfortable to set up. I hear her talking to Tyler about the spell and he sounded more than happy to let me give the spell a try
Tyler's P.O.V
my mother leads me to the study saying here as a witch here to help remove my sire bond to Klaus, I could smell a familiar rose sent from earlier today and then stood Taryna holding a vial of blood as she softly chants a spell under her breath before finally looking at me and gestures to the couch
" I'll need a vial of your blood to behind the spell she hands me a chalice and a knife before turning back to the bowl with herbs and other witchy stuff scattered around as I fill the chalice with my blood
" I didn't know you were a witch" I say she takes the chalice
" I like to keep it on the down low, this will hurt so please try to refrain from thrashing around to much and there is a slight chance of forced shift so if you feel like you are please let me know so I can get out before I get hurt" she says I nod and she starts mixing things then hands me another chalice with the mixture inside
" do I drink all of it" she nods and after drinking it she gets me to take my shirt off and lay down, placing her fingers on my temples and starts chanting, my body was fighting and a pained scream escaped my throat as she continued chanting and as she expected my body started shifting
Taryna's P.O.V
as soon as Tyler screamed I wanted to stop and help him but I had to continue and as I reach the end he threw himself away from me his eyes glowing gold
" get out" he strains out and as I try to open the door it wouldn't budge
" Mrs Lockwood" I yell she lets me know that she's trying to find the emergency key to open the door but it was too late he was already half way through the transformation and if the door opened he could get lose to I throw up a protective ward to keep anything supernatural in including me, I keep away from the new black wolf in the center of the the room, it watched me closely as I moved away from it slowly
" it's ok Tyler I'm not going to hurt you" I say slowly trying to stay calm but my hands shook, he growls as the door was bashed on
" Taryna are you ok" is that Stefan
" I'm ok please don't break the door it's ok in here he's calm" I say the door stopped moving and Tyler's head snaps back to me I slid into a corner I reach grabbing his shirt so he would reconise his scent and hopefully won't attake me
" how long will it last" Stefan asks through the door
" an hour tops I had him take off his shirt just invade this happened so his scent will stop him from attacking me" I say back
After a while the wolf inched closer I stiffen as it walks around sticking out his muzzle sniffing his shirt before laying down with his head in my lap and falling asleep, Tyler finally shifts back still asleep I bring down the ward and Stefan and Tyler's mum come in, Mrs Lockwood places a blanket over her naked son
" did it work" she asks I smile and nod, I had my hand running through his hair as a way to comfort him, Tyler stirs blinking before sitting up and wrapping the blanket around himself
" how do you feel" Mrs Lockwood asks fussing over he now free son, Stefan vamp speed packed my things leading me away from the study
" so im guessing everything went smoothly" he says I nod as my phone went off. It was Elijah
" crap I think he knows" I say, Stefan snatched my phone and walks out answering it I smile at how protective that vampire was, I was his best friend so he always made sure I was ok before anyone else since Elena dumped him for Damon
" Taryna" I turn to face Tyler who looked tired and worn out
" hey how do you feel" I ask pulling a sand which from my bag and handing it to him
" my mum makes it for werewolves who tire themselves out" he looks at the sand which placing it on the small coffee table
" thankyou you didn't have to help" he says he was now dressed
" you helped me this morning consider it repayment" I say gesturing to the sand which
" make sure to eat it trust me you'll love it" I say grabbing my things and walking out to find Elijah and Stefan talking they cast a glance to me elijah wasn't happy
" I'm sorry" I say more like whispering dropping my bags and backing up
" you lied to me" he states Tyler was by my side in seconds protecting me from the original vampire who he saw as a threat
" walk away before I rip your throat out" he snarls lowly Elijah shakes his head
" you have no idea what you have done" he says raising an eyebrow
" what's that supposed to mean" I snap
" the spell doesn't completely erase the sire bond only forms a new one breaking the original one" I furrow my brows at him
" so basically he's now sired to you not Klaus" I go wide eyed yanking out my mother's grimour and looking over the spell
"'There's nothing on a sire movement on here" Elijah steps around the growling boy to flip e pages till it stops on a warnings page
" next time read up in the warnings first" there in black and white was the working for the spell, the reason Tyler didn't attack me was because he was now sired to me not Klaus, I drop the book backing away as Tyler finally snaps out of whatever it was he was in and reads over the page
" you knew" I snap at Tyler's mother
" yes that's why your mum had you do it" she says Tyler narrows his eyes
" you both lied to me" I say getting angry and it was affectin Tyler as well
" Taryna calm down" Stefan says
" why" I ask
" it was a safer option for both you and Tyler" she says
" you must insert now at lest we know that Tyler's safe from that monster" she says Elijah growls
" go home NOW" I finally snap at his male vamp he scoffs vamping away I look at Stefan nodding he also leaves I shake my head
" you need to understand now what you have done" I ask she frowns
" a wolf having their sire bond transferred affects them more than before, if I get so much as slightly sad he'll feel depressed, I get slightly angry it's like three times worse for him" I growl stepping closer
" but at least you won't use him for your personal gain" she says I sigh in frustration
" I don't see how this is so bad it's better than being sired to Klaus" I look at Tyler shaking my head
" your not the only one affected" I mutter picking up my things and walking away
" you can't walk home" he yells
" try me" I say turning towards him he lowers his gaze as the bond doesn't let him challenge me
" let me drive you home" he begged I could feel his worry for me I sigh and he snatched my bags from me putting them in his truck and helping me into the cab before getting in himself and driving me home
" Do you want to come inside so I can explain everything to you" I ask he nods and I let him in but not before stopping and glaring at my mother
" look I didn't tell you because I knew you would have said no" I stop her
" no I would not have I just would have prepared better for the spell had i known consequences" i say leading him to my room and grabbing my note pad and pen he sits on my bed as I sit at my desk writing things
" there's a few things that are good from this, I can control when you shift so if you get mad I can stop you from shifting" I start he smiles laying back on my bed holding one of my pillows smelling it
" also I gain somewhat of a guard dog, you will have no control over this but if you feel someone is so much as a tiny threat you will jump to keep me protected at all times" he raises an eyebrow
" so I'm another Stefan" he asks
" pretty much just ten times worse" I get to the list of not so good things. After reading and writing I was laying beside Tyler on my bed he was practically sleeping already
" you can sleep here if you want I don't usually sleep anyway" I say he shocks off his shoes and pulls his shirt and jacket off laying under the blanket falling asleep surrounded by my scent
After a few hours I check the time it was 1:30am and I still wasn't asleep but I was really tired. I feel arms wrap around me and I'm carted to bed as Tyler keeps me close to him in a protective manner
" I could feel you were tired and I couldn't sleep knowing you needed sleep" he mumbled looking me with what looked like love and adoration
" Tyler are you ok" I ask leaning back watching the wolf
" no...." he softly says leaning in pressing his lips slowly against mine his arms still wrapped tightly around me I place my hands on his cheeks cupping them, when he pulls back he shifts into a comfortable position before passing out again, I laugh softly following him
So I hope this is ok I changed the request a little so I hope you don't mind this idea had been bothering me for a while I was happy I had a chance to use it @justalittlemikaelson

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