Damon Salvatore Part 2

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You shot up swearing and breathing heavily, Damon stirs beside you them sits up

" Hun what's the matter" he says sleepily

" Nothing go back to sleep" he stares at you for a second them pulls you down with him and rests you on his chest and you both fall asleep again

Next Morning

When you wake up Damon wasn't next to you but a pile of clothes were and a note

I'm sorry I'm not there I'm with Elena and we're going to be a while so see you when I get back love you Y/N don't ever forget that


You smile at the hearts and pick up the clothes and head for a shower

After having a shower you head to the grill for some brunch and spot Klaus, Elijah and Kol and head there way

" Hey it's my fave immortal brothers in the one place" you give them a quick fake smile and sit next to Kol

" You alright love you seem a little out of it" Klaus asks looking at you and yougive him another fake smile

" Fine just hungry" you say as the door opens, Damon and Elena walk in laughing they look our way and head to us

" Hello handsome" Elena give Elijah a kiss and sits in his lap and Damon smiles at me

" You ok sweets" he picks you up and sits with you in his lap you just shrug as Matt brought over your brunch and you start to eat, the Vampires all give you a look them go to there conversations

" Are you sure your ok" Damon asks you sigh and get off his lap and head for the bathroom and as soon as the door closed sobs escaped your mouth and you cried, all he nightmares where making you believe that Damon didn't love you at all, he was so much better with someone else. The bathroom door opens and arms wrap around you, you recognised Rebecca's purfume anywhere

" Darling Damon is very worried about you what is the matter" she asks softly

" Does he love me" you as softly she was taken back by your question

" Of course he does, none of us have ever seen him this happy not after he lost Elena and Stefan" she answers and picks you up them places you on your feet

" Let's get you cleaned up and your going to talk to Damon before he tears apart the grill" she hands you her make up bag to fix your make up and them walks you out as soon as Damon's eyes met yours he was by your side leading you out of the grill and to his car then to his house he carries you to his bedroom and sits you on the bed

" What is the matter Y/N I'm bloody worried about you" he asks looking at you

" You love me right, he voices are lying when they say you don't" he looks so upset that you said that but doesn't say anything he pulls you to the end of the bed then gets on one knee and pulls a small box and opens it, inside was a diamond ring, your hands fly up to cover your mouth as tears fell down your cheeks

" I don't even know the words to tell you how much I fucking love you Y/N and it would make me the happiest man alive if you said yes to married me" he says looking deep in your eyes

" Yes Damon a thousand times yes" you tell throwing your hands around his neck and kissing him he slips the ring on your finger

" That's why I was with Elena, I was asking for her help choosing he right ring" he says looking at you

" Don't ever doubt my love for you ever" he kisses you pushing you on to the bed and leaning over you with a smile

" I'm going to show you how much I love you" he said and he did over and over again

3 months later we found out Ester placed a spell on he ring allowing you to become pregnant and 6 months later you welcomed Lillith Salvatore into the world and 4 years after you and Damon finally tied he knot forever

MarthaBelin sorry it took so long to get up I have been sombusy with schools final exams and assessments also trying to get my new books up and going also all the stress is not helping me at all

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