Chapter 40: Introductions

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I wake up to my head pounding, and the feel of two girls by my sides. I try to jerk away from the bed but my head starts pounding as I do, and forces me back down. Feeling the commotion Tessa runs a hand down my bare back. I tear away from the bed and look down, my head sending waves of nausea through me as I do. My world swims in front of me and I collapse to the floor trying to stop the spinning.

"Hey there sleepyhead." Serah says, causing my head to almost split at the sound. "What's wrong, are you ok?"

"Stop talking." I croak softly.

"Is it the hangover?" Tessa asks softly. I nod my forehead buried in the floor. "Sit up we'll help with it." I look up at her and see she is naked again which send waves of guilt through my body. She grabs a cup of water, and a small red pill. "Here." She says handing them to me.

"What happened last night?" I ask before I take them.

"If you don't remember you're better off not knowing." Serah says rising from the bed naked as well.

I sprint to the bathroom and retch for twenty minutes solid. Tessa comes in and sets the water and pill on the sink before leaving me. After I empty my stomach, I dry heave for another ten minutes. Afterwards I take the pill, seconds after the headache disappears without a trace. That's when I notice I'm naked as well.

"What have I done?" I ask beating myself up in my head, as my stomach starts to convulse again. Before I start I hear the door open, and the girls fall back to the bed.

"Felix?" Tearrance's voice calls.

"I'll be out shortly, I'm not quite finished with these two." I say arrogantly.

"So I've been told don't take too long, the other two are looking forward to meeting you." Tearrance says chuckling.

"Tessa, bring me my armor please." I say quickly.

They both enter the bathroom Tessa with the chest piece, and Serah with the other pieces. They set them on the counter without looking at me, and then turn to leave.

"What you two did to me is wrong, I will not forget this." I say coldly, and they turn to me fear in their eyes.

"Felix please, you have to understand-" Tessa starts tears glistening.

"I understand all too well, you two raped me." I say disgusted.

"I hate to burst your bubble, but we didn't have sex with you." Serah says, causing my eyes to shoot to her quickly. "You never let us close enough, you pleasured us, but not yourself. At first we couldn't figure out how you were doing it, but then we came to the conclusion that you are much stronger than you look, not that you don't already look strong enough."

"We didn't-" I start relived.

"No, you... Just read our minds, it's easier that way." Tessa says quickly.

I press forward and receive several images, and sensations, of my hands and a tickling jolt.

"Oh thank you." I say pulling up into a ball.

"Would it have been that bad for you?" Tessa asks hurt plain in her voice.

"Not at all, but still I'm relived that it didn't happen. For one thing I haven't even know you two for twenty four hours, plus there is Sierra." I say standing, with my back to them, and start to put on my armor.

"It doesn't help that you didn't call us by our names. You called me Silica, and you called Tessa, Sierra." Serah says, and I wince slightly. "Not all that proud more than one name showed up?" She asks coldly

"You're seriously going to ask that question, after the argument we had last night, of course I'm not proud of it." I say grudgingly.

"Good, at least you derived something bad from it." Tessa says hatefully.

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