vii. nice to meet you

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

OLIVIA WOULD BE LYING IF SHE SAID SHE WASN'T FEELING NERVOUS. She was so unbelievably nervous but she didn't know why. Well, she knew it was because she was meeting Tom but why was she feeling like this about meeting Tom, she had no idea. She loved meeting new people and she never, ever felt like this.

"Go one more time before Tom gets here so we can get straight into teaching him and you can practice it together." Their trainer told her as she nodded, while getting in the starting position again.

Olivia was practising her and Tom's first fight scene they had in the movie so she was ready for when Tom arrived for his first day and they could get straight into teaching him. Marvel decided to let Olivia help teach Tom the fight sequence as she was extremely good at learning them quickly and they thought it might be easier for him.

"Just practice the last bit again." He told her as she was slightly struggling with the ending as she had to fall back in a certain position.

After going over the ending 5 more times, she heard her name being called from behind her so she quickly spun around to see Elizabeth calling and waving at her. Her trainer nodded at her, motioning to her that she could leave as he wasn't worried about practising it anymore. She was talented enough to get it on her own. Olivia quickly jogged over to Lizzie, who was practically bouncing on her feet with excitement.

"What's up with you?" Olivia laughed as she reached the older girl.

"Tom's here. He was just talking to Robert and Chris because he bumped into them on his way here but he will be here in like 2 minutes." Lizzie said, a massive smile on her face as she looked at Olivia.

"Oh my Liz, is that it? Why are you bouncing?" Olivia laughed, acting like meeting Tom wasn't a big deal. It wasn't really, but her stomach was sure acting like it was.

"Because you two are finally going to meet and it's going to be the cutest thing ever. I might have to film it." Lizzie said, her smile growing.

"It's not even that big of a deal, why are you like this?" Olivia laughed again, being highly amused by the girl. She couldn't understand why she was acting so excited but that was just how Lizzie was.

"Uh, you wouldn't understand. Now come on let's go find him, he's taking too long." Lizzie grabbed the blondes hand, dragging her through the set.

Elizabeth held Olivia's hand tight as she took her to part of the set where all their trailers stayed, as she tried to find Tom. They had just passed Scarlett's trailer when they spotted Robert, who was walking towards them.

"Hey Robert, do you know where did Tom went?" Elizabeth quickly asked the older man.

"He actually went to look for Olivia, I think you're one of the only people he hasn't met yet so he wanted to go find you." Robert said looking at the shorter one of the girls, who tried her hardest not to smile at his words. She thought it was cute that he was looking for her.

"Thank you, bye Robert." Elizabeth said before dragging Olivia along with her again, not even giving her time to answer Robert, who was laughing at the two of them.

Elizabeth passed Roberts trailer and then headed towards Olivia's trailer which was next to Sebastian's. As they got into sight of her trailer they saw someone knocking on the door, it was Tom. Lizzie let out a little squeal as she pushed Olivia towards her own trailer. Olivia quickly cleared her throat grabbing his attention which made him jump as he nearly tripped down the steps he was perched on.

"Looking for someone?" Olivia asked, a small smirk on her lips as she looked at Tom who had a big grin on his face when seeing the girl.

Tom's breath got caught in his throat when he saw Olivia. Even when she had her hair up in a ponytail to keep it out of her face, wearing leggings, one of her brothers jumpers that was sizes too big on her and trainers, she looked beautiful. Tom couldn't deny that. Harrison had been teasing him since he found out he would be working with the actress, knowing Tom would be flustered when speaking to her all the time. He might have mentioned to Harrison a couple of times at how he though she was beautiful and that she was his celebrity crush.

"I hope it was me you was looking for seen as that is my trailer." Olivia said, taking a couple more steps towards him. She heard Lizzie squeal behind her before hearing footsteps moving away from them, so she guessed Lizzie decided to give them some privacy.

"Yeah, Robert told me you might be in there so I was quickly checking. I wanted to come and say hi before you beat me up." Tom said, smiling at her. She breathed out a light laugh as her eyes darted towards the floor, before going back up to his face.

"I was actually practising our first fight scene, I actually think they want me to try and teach it to you first." She said, her hands clasped together in front of her as she began to feel a little nervous in his presence. He wasn't intimidating, he was far from it but the girl felt intimidated, she had no idea why.

"Well I guess we better get practising then." Tom smiled at her and was ready to follow her to wherever the training area was but before she turned around, she quickly walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug. It caught Tom off guard but he wasn't slow in hugging her back. His arms went around her waist gently, giving her a hug.

"It's nice to meet you by the way." She whispered, giving him a quick squeeze before letting go and walked back towards the training area with Tom following after her.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

they finally met!!!! not sure if i really like this chapter but here you go

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