xlix. cuddles

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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liked by imsebastianstan, thomasadoherty and 927,912 others

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liked by imsebastianstan, thomasadoherty and 927,912 others

oliviastan cuddles are the best medicine

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tagged thecameronboyce

thomasadoherty so that's why you've been cuddling everyone on set

username okay but why's this thomas guy commenting on all of liv's posts like some weird stalker. like leave her alone
username lol didn't u see his instagram story of those two, they practically nearly kissed in it

username she also doesn't answer the comments either lol he's being rejected too

lolabradley isn't this the cutest photo

username cuddles to make her feel better

thecameronboyce this will be the only time you see me enjoy your presence
oliviastan fuck you then

username she looks so cute

sofiacarson cuties
[ liked by oliviastan ]

username tomholland2013 come get your girl back before thomasadoherty gets her

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

oliviastan posted a photo

oliviastan posted a photo

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