xlii. stop worrying

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oliviastan london here we come

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tagged tomholland2013


username have fun!

username i love the fact olivia's always wanted to go to london to see everything and now she's going with tom. MY HEART IS FULL

violetkennedy have fun, and don't miss me too much!
oliviastan i'll try not to !

oliviastan uhh you make me swoon


✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"THEY'RE NOT GOING TO LIKE ME, TOM. They're going to think I'm too loud, and annoying, and then they're not going to like me which might make you not like me anymore and I can't-" Olivia's words were cut short when her boyfriend pressed his lips against hers, to shut her up. She slowly closed her eyes, kissing Tom back, who had placed his hands on her waist to keep her close.

Once they both pulled apart, Tom looked down at Olivia, who still had her eyes shut, and he could see how stressed she was about meeting his family. He understood why she would be nervous, and why this was different for her than it was for Tom. He only had to impress her parents, already knowing Sebastian before but for Olivia, she had Tom's parents, his three brothers and even Tessa. The girl didn't think she could do it.

"You're going to be fine, love, seriously and they'll adore you, I promise." Tom told her, squeezing her hips gently. Olivia let out a sigh, placing her head on Tom's chest.

"I just really want them to like me Tom. I don't know what I'd do if they didn't, and I certainly can't stay here for a whole week if they don't like me." Olivia mumbled, keeping her forehead against Tom's chest, not wanting to look him in the eyes. She was truly, and utterly scared about meeting them, especially Nikki. Olivia had heard such wonderful things about her, and how much she loved Tom and Olivia was just worried she wouldn't think she was good enough her son.

Tom moved his hands from his girlfriends hips to the sides of her face forcing her to look up at him. "Listen, you are the most wonderful girl I think I could ever bring home, one that I love lots, and if they don't like you then no one would be good enough. They'll love you, so please stop worrying and let's go in before they realise we're standing outside." Tom told her, watching as she started to smile. He smiled back at her, quickly giving her another kiss before pulling away fully, letting go of her face and getting his door keys from his pocket.

Tom moved himself in front of Olivia and took a couple steps forward, approaching the front door of his home. He then found the right key on his keychain and unlocked the door, opening it fully. He immediately called out, to let everyone know it was Tom opening the door and it didn't take long for Nikki to appear and engulf Tom in a hug. Olivia smiled at the scene in front of her, finding Tom and his mum's relationship adorable.

Once they pulled apart, Nikki was quick to ask about Olivia. "Now where's this wonderful girl you keep telling us about?" Olivia couldn't help but giggle at Nikki's words as Tom moved out the way so Nikki could see Olivia. She immediately walked forward, stepping out of the house to greet Olivia.

"Olivia, it's so nice to finally meet you! Tom's told us so much about you." Nikki said, making Olivia, and Tom, blush.

Olivia held out her hand, feeling as though shaking her hand would be the most appropriate thing to do but Nikki had other ideas. She pulled Olivia into a hug, making Olivia feel all warm inside. She wasn't expecting this from anyone, especially not Tom's mum.

"It's nice to meet you too! Tom's told me so much about all of you, and thank you so much for letting me stay here, Mrs-"

"Nikki. Please call me Nikki. And of course, darling!" The two both pulled away from the hug, Olivia smiling at the women. She already felt a million times better than she did 30 seconds ago just by meeting Nikki, and she hoped everyone else was just as kind and welcoming as she was.

And they all were. Olivia was then escorted inside as she followed Tom through the house to where the rest of his family were. They all happily gave Olivia a hug, telling her how nice it was to finally meet her after hearing so much about her from Tom. Even Tessa had loved Olivia, being more than excited about the new face in her home.

After all the introductions, Tom had taken Olivia upstairs and into his bedroom. Although he was hardly ever home anymore, Nikki still kept it as Tom's so when he did come home, he had somewhere to stay. Tom carried both their bags upstairs, Olivia following after. Once they reached the right room, Tom entered, dumping the bags by the door and shutting it after Olivia had entered too.

The girl let out a sigh as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend, placing her head against his chest.

"See, I told you they'd love you." Tom chuckled, placing a kiss on the top of her head as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"Thank god. I was so worried Tom, seriously, I've never been so worried about something in my life." Olivia admitted, her speech being muffled by Tom's chest but he still managed to work out what she had said. "I'm so glad they like me, I really like them, I think they're great." Olivia added, making Tom smile.

"I think Tessa likes you the most."

"I like Tessa the most too, more than you." Olivia said, smirking as she lifted her head up to look at Tom. Tom rolled his eyes playfully as he tried not to smile. "You know I love you."

"And I love you."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

i'm trying to make these chapters as cute as possible to make up for the stuff i've got planned. sorry in advance. there's about 4 chapters left till shit hits the fan !

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