lxxxiii. old photos

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theoliviastan i'm sure my mom loves violet more than me. i haven't seen her in months and as soon as we arrived at my parents house, my mom pushed past everyone to give her a hug and told her she baked the cookies violet liked because she knew she'd be coming
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@username : your mom is me, i am your mom

@username : because violet is the best

@username : WE LOVE YOUR MOM

@hazosterfield : it was hilarious
@theoliviastan : shut up no it wasn't

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

oliviastan posted a photo

liked by lolabradley, imsebastianstan and 1,104,738 others

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liked by lolabradley, imsebastianstan and 1,104,738 others

oliviastan my mom pulled out the baby photos and old photos she has, because apparently that's what mom's do when boyfriends or friends are over to embarrass you, and we found this photo of me and violet when i was like 16 and i first moved to LA and met her that my brother took 🥺 how cute are we though

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tagged violetkennedy

username this is so cute

violetkennedy we're babies
oliviastan cute babies though

username you two have the cutest friendship ever. i love it so much

username best duo

erinprice look at you two 🥰
[ liked by oliviastan and violetkennedy ]

username babies

lolabradley so cute
[ liked by oliviastan and violetkennedy ]

elizabetholsenofficial i'm in love with this photo
oliviastan in love with you

username olivia looks so small

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

tomholland2013 posted a photo

liked by nikihollandphotography, robertdowneyjr and 983,720 others

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liked by nikihollandphotography, robertdowneyjr and 983,720 others

tomholland2013 nothing has changed

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tagged oliviastan

username oh my god

username I LOVE THIS

lolabradley omg this is the cutest photo

username OLIVIA omg

erinprice how cute is she 😭

elizabetholsenofficial my angel

username tom posting baby photos of olivia is what i'm here for !

username their relationship is my favourite thing right now

nikihollandphotography this is adorable x
[ liked by oliviastan ]

samholland1999 hahahahaha

username i love this photo

harryholland64 omg

robertdowneyjr the cutest photo
oliviastan i miss you 😭

imsebastianstan still a devil

hazosterfield except for maybe the big ass gap in her teeth
[ liked by tomholland2013 ]

username liv is so cute

violetkennedy still as smiley as ever

oliviastan you told me you wasn't going to post any of them 🤧🤧
tomholland2013 was too cute not to post
oliviastan i love u

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

sorry for not updating in a while

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