xxxi. you looked so happy

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

IT WAS DATE NIGHT FOR TOM AND OLIVIA AND IF OLIVIA HAD TO BE HONEST, SHE WAS THE MOST NERVOUS SHE HAD EVER BEEN. The girl had spent all morning worrying about what was going to happen, where he was taking her and what she was going to wear. Luckily, Olivia had found a white dress at the back of her wardrobe that was perfect and Violet had called her to calm her down so she was all okay for when Tom arrived.

At precisely 7pm, Tom arrived. His shaky hand knocked on Olivia's door and she was very quick to open it. Once Tom had sight of her, he tried hard not to let his jaw drop. She had looked unbelievably beautiful and Tom was lost for words.

The two exchanged a few nervous words before leaving the building. Tom had a cab outside waiting for them to take them to the destination. The pair spoke the whole journey, no awkward silence fell upon them at any point. The ride took longer than Olivia had expected but if Tom was taking her to where she thought he was then she understood, she lived a fair way away from the place.

Once they arrived and got seated, everything was just how it had been when they hung out before. There was no awkwardness and the two laughed and talked like they had done on set.

After they had eaten, Olivia persuaded Tom to go dance with her as the restaurant had a dance floor located in the middle where there were many couples dancing on. It had taken a while to get him to go but he finally stood up, taking Olivia's hand and guiding her to the floor as they waited for their dessert as Olivia had claimed that they made the best brownies in New York and he would be stupid not to try them.

The pair danced to each song that came on, some old and some new but all slow songs. Olivia had her head on Tom's chest as he held her close with his hand on her waist.

"I'm guessing you've been here many times before then." Tom spoke, his voice not too loud but loud enough so Olivia could hear over the music.

"My parents used to take me when I was younger as a reward for things I would do. And then when I got older and met Violet, Erin and Lola, I would bring them when they'd visit. Also brought Lizzie once but I haven't been in such a long time." Olivia told him, her head still on his chest and her eyes closed. Tom looked down at her as she spoke but Olivia had no idea as he watched her speak.

Tom hesitated before speaking again, "Did Ryan ever bring you?" He almost muttered. He wasn't sure if that was an appropriate question to ask, especially on a first date.

"He did once, but he hated it so never wanted to come back." Olivia said, not thinking about it twice. It hadn't crossed her mind that Tom had hesitated before speaking. "I get it though, it's overly romantic and some people are just not into that." She then added.

"He's still a jerk." Tom said, which made Olivia laugh. She nodded her head in response and hummed. After a couple more songs, the two headed back to their table for dessert.

Tom insisted on paying, after Olivia argued for a while about letting her pay half but Tom didn't want her to. It was his treat. He then took her back to her apartment, walking her to her door.

"Thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed myself." Olivia had said as she reached her door. She had turned around to face Tom who had his hands stuffed in his pockets, rocking back and forth of his heels.

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