lxxxii. sunshine

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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oliviastan you are my sunshine

view all 6,499 comments

violetkennedy u always get the cutest fucking tattoos
oliviastan 😌😌

username how many tattoos do you have
oliviastan now, 4 :)

erinprice just couldn't help yourself, could you
oliviastan nope 🤭

username that's so cute

username @ tom

zendaya i love it!!!!!!!
[ liked by oliviastan ]

lauraharrier so cute!!! just like u
oliviastan laura 😩💗💖💓💞

username i love her nail varnish!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

iMESSAGES between

hey mama! you up for a visit at the end of the week? we're in new york filming some bits for spider-man and they're giving us the weekend off x

mama 💘💘
do you even need to ask

just didn't want to turn up at home and you and dad weren't there haha
& is it alright if i bring violet and tom's friend?

mama 💘💘
again, do you even need to ask
especially with violet. she's welcome here anytime, with or without you

just double checking
but stupid of me to ask about violet though huh, i'm sure you'd let her live with you if she asked

mama 💘💘
i absolutely would, i would with any of the girls
so it'll be you, tom, violet and tom's friend?

yes! we will come up in the morning and we'll stay till we all get tired i guess

mama 💘💘
i'll make sure to get food in for you all
how are you and tom? are you two good?

we're good, so so good
i really think it's going to be different this time
he's learned from his mistake, we both have and we're going in a good direction. it's amazing, i really feel like he's the one sometimes, you know

mama 💘💘
i think he's the one too, even after everything that happened and i am glad everything is good, i'm so glad
have you spoken to sebastian recently?

yeah, i was on facetime with him yesterday
don't worry mom, we talk regularly

mama 💘💘
i'm just making sure
i want you two to stay close

i know you do, we do too
so don't worry
i've got to go, our director is calling but i'll call you later maybe? and i'll see you soon. love and miss you xx

mama 💘💘
you can call me later
Îmi place și îmi este dor de tine (i love and miss you too) xx

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

filler chapter, sorry
but thank u for 102k reads!

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