Prisoner of M.A.D

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Talon starts walking proudly over to were he has penny caught in his own contraption. 'Gadget can wait for a little while, it's not like he'll be getting out of that thing anytime soon'

Talon freezes right before the end of the hallway, just blocking him from his enemy's view. He heard his bracer go off. Why would Penny be updating her diary now? Shouldn't she be scared to death at having her life left in M.A.D's hands. 'Not that I would let anyone hurt her though' Talon smirks to himself and clicks on his bracer to read what she wrote.

*5 min later*

Penny is laying flat on her back in boredom. She wonders why Talon hasn't come in yet, she could smell he didn't leave. She had even heard a small chuckle coming from what looked like a hallway or maybe the entrance to another room.

Penny blows some hair out her face and sighs. 'This waiting game is killing me, why cant that jerk just come in already... Unless maybe he's planning something, something evil'

She hears Talon's footsteps echo into the room and she quickly gets herself up. It's not the safest thing to be laying on the ground stomach up when your enemy's in the room.

"Hey Pretty Penny" Talon says to her, his hands on the bars. Penny just looks at him silently, her face telling him that she wasn't in the mood for a conversation. Penny's face was slightly red in embarrassment.

Her and her uncle were being trapped in cages. 'Like an animal' She scowled at that thought. 'No offence Brain' she says to herself, knowing how her canine friend would feel about her thinking that. 'Wait.. Where is Brain?'

"Uhh hello? Penny, you there?" Talon says sarcastically while waving his hand in front of her. Penny blinks twice and snaps out of her thoughts. She had dazed out for a while there. "Being behind bars getting to you Pen?" Talon said, being secretly glad that she had gotten over her claustrophobia a few missions back.

"You should be the one behind bars Talon, not me" she said with a bit of sass in her voice, her tone clearly telling him she was annoyed. "Maybe according to HQ, but we're at M.A.D the greatest evil organization in the world" Talon says back. Penny rolls her eyes.

"Anyhoo... Sorry about the living arrangements. I'll get you some blankets and a pillow to sleep with." Talon says, looking into her eyes. Penny nods, not bothering to ask why he cares if she's comfortable. "Would you like anything to eat?" he asks. That did it. "Why should YOU care about my well being when your the one who... I don't know. Kidnapped me?!" Penny asks, raising her voice.

Talon tries to justify his actions with an excuse "Actually, you were trespassing. I didn't kidnap you, you came here on your own." Penny does not look convinced. "Would you like some food or not?" he asks. She debates her options. "No thanks" 'Best not to eat food made by M.A.D, you never know what they might put in their.. Sleeping powder, poison, ect'

Talon nods his head and goes to find some blankets and a pillow. Once he's gone, Penny remembers Brain. 'Since he's not locked up with me and Uncle Gadget, he probably didn't get caught' She opens up her codex and sends him her location.

*5 min later*

Talon arrives with some pillows and a blanket. He pushes them through the bars. "Good night Pen" he says and walks away. She takes the stuff and curls up, looking over to her uncle to make sure he was okay. He's still knocked out, but he's breathing. Seeing him like this reminds Penny of what he said before about her father.

She never really looked into the subject of her parents much. She had been told the story before and had no reason to question it.
They had died trying to defuse a bomb. Her mom wasn't an agent, but her father was. Her and Penny's dad were the only ones who knew about it and it was too late to get help. Her parents had managed to get everyone else to evacuate the building, but the bomb went off before they could defuse it. They didn't survive the explosion, so Penny was sent to live with her uncle when she was 2 years old.

'But why did Uncle Gadget say that he was glad that I hadn't figured out about my father yet? Is there something their not telling me?' Penny decides to look on HQ's database for info on her parents. HQ keeps track of every agents/agent in trainings family backgrounds and info. She types in her name and her profile pops up. She clicks a few buttons and then it tells her. 'No parents documented'

'Wait, what? This has to be a mistake, they have everyone's parents in here. Okay, well I'll just look up my fathers profile, he was an agent after all.' Penny types in his name and gets no results from the database. Nothing on him... at all. It's like her parents never existed according to HQ. 'But this is impossible, they have info on anyone that has ever worked at HQ on here! Did they delete their files? But why would they do that?..'

Penny is thinking long and hard about this when all of a sudden she gets the signal from Brain's collar on her codex. He's nearby. 'They really should have disabled my codex's connection if they wanted to keep me here.. Ha, to bad for them.'

"What's going on here? Hey, you again?! I've got you now you furry brown M.A.D agent!" Penny jumps, not expecting to hear her uncle awake. She looks over and see's Gadget pointing at Brain, who must have managed to get in. "Go go Gadget M.A.D agent catcher!" Inspector Gadget yells, causing him to glitch and sends something flying Penny's way. She tries to get out of the way but it's to late. She falls to the ground, knocked out.

*5 hours later*

"What.. What happened?" Penny asks while rubbing her head with one hand.  She notices that she is on the couch in her living room. "Congratulations Gadget, you managed to get the gadget mobile back here safe and sound. You even rescued Penny here when she got knocked out. You really are our top agent" Cheif Quimby says to Gadget before turning to Penny.

"Gadget brought you to us unconscious, you must have been through some hard stuff trying to complete your mission. Luckily Gadget was there to help you through it" 'Yea.. Lucky me' Penny thinks to herself and sighs.

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