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Inspector Gadget sits on his living room couch next to Penny. 'Come on Penny, you can do it. Just pretend like you aren't trying solve a mystery and are just causally curious about a subject you never talk about.' "Hey Uncle Gadget?" Penny asks. "Yes, Niece  Penny?" he replies. Penny pauses, looking at him strangely. "You know you don't have to put 'niece' before my name right?" She asks her uncle. "Oh I know, but you always put 'Uncle' before mine, so I was just trying it out" Gadget replies while stretching his arms. "Now what did you want to say Penny?"

"I was wondering if you'd tell me about my parents. We haven't talked about them in a long time." Penny says. Gadget looks uncomfortable for a moment before smiling. "Of course, what did you want to know?"

*An hour and a half later*

Penny lays down onto her bed after her long talk with her uncle. 'Step 1 complete. I mean not that I know what step 2 is yet, but still an accomplishment' She opens up her diary and gets to typing.

'Dear codex diary,
I had a talk with my uncle today. I asked him about my parents. This is usually a subject that I try my best to avoid, but since this is my uncle we're talking about, I doubt he will suspect anything. He told me all about my mom when she was a kid, how cute and sweet she was. I got to hear about when she was ten, and rescued a kitten from a tree, managing to find the owner all by herself the next day to return her. Though these stories are special and make me feel connected to my mother, It wasn't what I was looking for. I was looking for something that seemed off, anything that might give me a clue about what nobody was telling me. What they hope I don't figure out about my family. I'm probably over reacting to this whole thing, the mystery of what there hiding could totally turn out to be a misunderstanding. But I can't help that feeling in my stomach that I'm being lied to about something, and I'm going to figure out what that is.
Luckily, I did manage to get some facts about my parents to document incase I need them later. My mom's full name is 'Allison Rose Gadget' and my dad's is 'Conner Brown'. My dad was a great HQ agent who was willing to take any case. And my mom, though she wasn't officially an agent because she never did pass the test, would help out around HQ and even managed to find some clues that agent's missed about there cases. My uncle almost looked angry when he talked about how she died. I don't blame him though, he misses his sister.

My dad was going into an building to defuse a bomb on an unofficial mission and my mom saw him go in and got curious. When she figured out what he was doing she managed to get everyone out of the building and to safety while he tried to shut it off.

Everyone got out safely, but my parents. I'm not sure what HQ is hiding about what happened, but I sure am proud that my parents both died hero's. I have to go now codex, if I keep typing about this, I'll start crying.

*At the M.A.D lair*

Talon smiles sadly after reading what Penny wrote. His eyes water just slightly as he lays down, feeling guilty for continuing to read something so private. He wasn't expecting her to talk about that, but now that she did Talon couldn't get her out of his mind. He's not sure if anything is really being hidden from Penny or not, but after a few minutes his mind drifts from her past to the dark memories of his.

He was raised by his parents untill he was 15, when they were  in a car accident while trying to escape with a priceless artifact to sell on the black market. He had been raised in a family of villains, and whatever morals most families teach their children, Talon had be taught the opposite. His parents told him that 'Thinking of others feelings is a waste of time. Nobody cares about yours, so why should you care about theirs? In the real world, its everyone for themselves'

And Talon never questioned that untill he was 16 and been on his own for a few months. He started to realise that maybe his parents we're wrong. He considered changing sides but by now he had committed several crimes for the money to stay alive. He was a wanted criminal now. Talon knew that he would be locked up the instant he tried to explain.

Besides, did he really want to help the side that caused his parents death? If they weren't being chased the getaway car wouldn't have been going so fast and his parents would have made it home. Even on the off chance that what his parents were doing was wrong, he still loved them. When Talon found out about his uncle being alive he went to go live with him and got caught up in a horrible world he never knew existed. He watched as his uncle killed and plotted to take over the world. He found out that his parents had done way worse things then they had ever told him.

Talon was forced to either do everything Claw said or give up his life. He chose his life. He put on a mask in order to fit in while being trapped in this world. Talon began acting conceited, evil, arrogant, and proud. Nobody realized that he was just doing this to survive. He even convinced himself that this was who he was, even if in the heart of hearts, he knew it was never true.

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