Has She Known? (My Weird Life Part Five)

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"Hey mom?" I say.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" My mom sets her purse down in the little basket for her purse.

"We were going to make some sandwiches." I say.

"Ohh. Is June back yet?" She asks walking towards the kitchen.

"No but she should be home any time now." Macey says. Macey closes her eyes and I know she is talking to June telepathically.

"Well Mom, we will be in my room." I say and lead Macey up stairs. She opens her hazel eyes and closes the door behind her. She puts her arms around my neck and kisses me, as I put my hands on her waist. I break off the kiss and go to sit on my bed.

"Kyle, I need to say this now, and I have never told anyone else this ever before," Macey comes and sits next to me and lays her head on my shoulder. I thread my fingers through her's. "I... I... I love you Kyle." she says and looks right into my eyes.

"I love you too Macey." I say with no hesitation and I mean it with all of my heart. She throws her arms around me and hugs me tightly. I put my arms around her and hug her back. I kiss her again. Another low whistle lingers it's way To my ears. I pull away from Macey and look over to the door where Jack and Jacob stand smirking.

"Just friends he said" Jacob chuckles. I stand up and pull them out of my room by the back of their shirts.

"What the hell!" I whisper/yell at them. They snicker.

"You two are waaaay more than just friends." Jack laughs.

"Shut up!" I try to make a whisper sound threatening. "What are you two even doing here?" I ask.

"We just wanted to stop by," Jacob said. "Us there anything wrong with that?"

"Yes! yes there is! Now I think your dads will both be mad if they catch you guys out this late," I say and they leave. I walk back into the room. "Hey I'm sorry about them..."i let my voice trail off, she looks as if even if the whole world blew up she would still be happy. Ya know? She just smiled,walked over, and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her.

"Yeah, yeah, it's ok." she said. Her hazel eyes met mine fr a second before I heard my mom coming up the stairs. I quickly let Macey go and ran over to my desk. I leaned on it trying to act casual, but I must've looked stupid because Macey was trying to hold back laughter. My mom opens the door slowly and pokes her head in.

"So, June is staying another night over there?" My mom asks and comes in to pick up socks.

"Yes," Macey answers. My mom smiles, leaves, and closes the door on her way out. "This might sound stupid but can I sleep in here tonight?" She asks and her face falls under a light shade of red.

"Of course." I answer. We planned that I would sleep on the floor. She argued at first but I said I love my floor and I want to sleep on it. Once we were both tired I laid down and fell asleep on the floor. I woke up to the heat of Macey's body pressed against mine. I smiled and laid my arm over her stomach, she reached down and laced her fingers threw mine and we dozed off into a deep peaceful sleep.

I woke up suspended in mid air, I kicked out my feet trying to touch anything. My foot connected with a jaw. I was dropped from the air. As I smacked the ground my breath left with an oof.

"So, you are alive." I woman in a black robe said to me giving me a threatening stare. Some thing caught my eye. I glanced behind the woman and saw Macey, her arms pulled back and in handcuffs, and she was on her knees looking scared. I jumped to my feet and tried to rush to her. Then a gush of wind came in and pushed me back smashing into a wall, the wall had a big indent from where my back smashed it.

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