The Blanks (My Weird Life Part Two)

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"So girls, how has your day been?" My mom asked June and Macey.

"Very good." June smiles and Macey casts a glance over to me. We crack up laughing again. June looks at Macey like she is crazy and Mom looks at me with the same expression. But Macey and I can't stop laughing. For some reason I look over my shoulder. That's when I see Trigger holding my shirt in his mouth. I stand up and slowly walk over.

"Ok we can go about this the easy way or the hard way." I say slowly reaching for my shirt. I can swear that dog smiles, then he runs out the front door as I leap for the shirt.

"Trigger!" I yell and run after him. Macey and June chase him with me. I leap and grab my shirt and he lets go. His tail beating the air, he licks my face. His light grey pit bull fur short and soft. His eyes a very light blue, looking right into mine. I pet his head and stand.

"I see you got your shirt back." Macey laughs. June giggles.

"Ha ha yeah." I say as we walk inside. We spend the whole day just talking and getting to know each other. That night as I lay in bed, I hear some one walking down the hall towards my room. The door slowly creaks open. Macey pokes her head in.

"Hey," She whispers. "Can I talk to you?" She comes in and closes the door. I turn on my light next to my bed, and sit up straight.

"Yeah, what's up?" I ask as she sits on the edge of my bed.

"This is weird and you might hate me or be scared of me forever." She whispers looking into my eyes.

"No I won't." I say.

"Ok, just... Don't be alarmed and this must remain a secrete." Macey whispers.

"Yeah, ok." I whisper back.

"Well I'm different," She begins. "I can do stuff that's not normal..." She lets her voice trail off.

"Like what?" I ask looking right at her. She put up her hand and moves it quickly to the left. A gust of wind hits my face. "Was that you? Did you do that?" I ask touching my face where the wind had hit me. She nods slowly.

"June has the same abilities," She explains. "But different," She continues. "So your not afraid?"

"Not at all," I answer. "Can you do anything else?"

I can do more than you think. I hear her voice in my head.

"You did that right? I'm not going crazy?" I ask.

She giggles. "Yes that was me. I am going to get some rest and if you need to talk to me... Just think." She says and leaves my room.

So can June do this?

No she has other... Powers, I guess you would call them. People like us are called Blanks. I know it is a weird name but you will understand later. Good night Kyle.

Good night. Then I slowly drift into a sleep.

Kyle? Wake up we're going to be late. Macey enters my mind and wakes me up. I sit straight up in my bed and my eyes flash open to see Macey and June standing over me.

"So you know?" June asks. I nod. She moves her hand up and pull it back towards her and my blanket flies off of me.

"Holy crap it's cold!" I yell. They both crack up. I stand up and walk across the cold ground to my bathroom to get ready. I comb my hair. I walk back out to my room to get changed. Macey and June leave my room and I go over and lock the door behind them, in case my mom trues to come in while I'm changing. I put on a black shirt and some different dark blue jeans. I walk out and down stairs. Mom is already cooking breakfast, Macey and June are already sat down at the table. Macey is dressed up in a bright yellow shirt and a pair of light blue jeans, her hair pulled back into a hair tie. June is in a white shirt and a floral design pair of jeans. The colors vibrant not dull like most floral jeans. I walk over and serve plates of sausage, toast, and pancakes, with the drink of milk.

We sit down and eat in silence for no reason.

"Ok you guys ready for school?" My mom asks. We all nod. I take all the plates once we're all done and out them in the sink. We go get our back packs and walk out to wait for the bus. June's school starts later in the day so it's just Macey and I.

"Ok I will drive June to school when it's time. I will pick all of you guys up after school ok?" My mom asks while Macey and I are heading out the door.

"Ok I will see you later mom." I say and she kisses my head.

"Thank you for letting us stay here." Macey thanks.

"Any time sweetie." Mom says and lets us go wait for the bus.

"So, you are still hanging out with me. That's a new one." Macey says.

"What? I think it's really cool. You know that you have powers." I say and adjust my back pack straps.

"Really?" She looks at me.

"Yeah." I say and look at her. A smile spreads across her face. I smile back, then the bus pulls up. We walk on and sit in the back together. Cassidy doesn't even speak. We sit down in the back and just talk, like we have been friends forever.

"Can I 'draw' you?" She quotes with her fingers.

"Sure, I guess so. Want me to strike a pose?" I do the duck face. She laughs.

"Just look at something." She giggles. I look a little to her left. She waves her hand real quick. A piece of paper and a pencil floats out from my back pack and straight to her. She holds her hand about four inches above the paper, and the pencil moves across the page slowly drawing me. Right as we make the turn to the road that leads to our school, she picks up and hands me the finished work. I stare, awe struck, at the amazing job she had done. Sure it was with her 'powers', but it looked amazing. It looked like a Picasso had picked up a pencil and decided to draw me.

"This is amazing." I say in awe. She smiles, leans over, and hugs me real quick.

"You can keep that." She says as we all stand up to leave the bus. I smile. We walk to history together, and as we enter Mr.Golf is glaring at us. I smother a laugh.

Later during the class, Mr.Golf asks us to take notes. Macey stands and goes to sharpen her pencil. Cassidy and her group are talking bad about Macey. Right when I was about to tell them to shut it the vase full of flowers next to Macey simply explodes. Glass, dirt, water, and parts of withered flowers are sent everywhere. Cassidy and her group screams as dirt and water, making mud, is splattered all over them.

"You little rat! You got mud on my dress!! This cost three hundred dollars!!" Cassidy shrieks. She, and her whole group, storms out of the room. Macey runs over to her desk, grabs her stuff, and runs out of the school. Being who I am, I chase after her.

"Macey slow down!" I call after her. Wow I wish I had joined track. She stops running and faces me. "What happened?" I asked stopping right in front of her.

"I don't know my powers have been out of whack lately." She says. Tears welling up at the ridges of her hazel eyes.

"You said there are other Blanks right?" I asked.

"Yeah my aunt, uncle, sister, and cousin." She says counting her fingers as she names them off.

"Ok. Do you know how to contact any of them?" I ask looking her in the eyes.

"Yeah, but, um... I'm not supposed to tell a mortal about Blanks." She says under her breath.

"Then I will act like I don't know." I said and shrugged.

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