Not Anymore

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 I felt rage ignite in me.

Kyle? Are you ok!?

Macey's voice flooded into my head.

My dad hurt Trigger.


He hurt him, badly, I need you here and help me take him to the pet hospital or whatever its called.

Ok, I'm coming over with Mason.

"You're going to be ok, I promise." I whispered to Trigger. He had been with me my whole life. When I was a child, he had protected me from my dad when my mom wasn't home. Mason and Macey appeared and she ran to Trigger's side. Mason ran over too and we carried him to my car. I put him in the front seat and hopped in the drivers position.

"We will meet you there." Macey said, then I drove off. I pushed through the front door, carrying Trigger in my arms, his head drooping, cuts bleeding, his leg bent at an awkward angle.

"Please! I need a vet!" I cried out as Trigger's body became a little too heavy. Two guys ran over an helped my sustain Trigger in my arms. They led me to a room where I laid him down on a table covered in white sheets, the sheets no longer pure white, but stained with blood.

"What happened to him?" A female vet entered the room and asked, shocked.

"My dad went crazy." I said under my breath. She brought out bandages and wrapped Triggers cuts up, then they sent me out of the room. Did she find out about his secret? Oh god, if they did we could be exposed! I'm so stupid!!

"-yle! Kyle!" Someone was shaking my shoulder. I looked up and saw Macey shaking me.

"You're ok, shh, shh." She whispered and caressed my cheek. I looked into her gorgeous eyes and I knew he would make it, or i at least felt reassured.

"We are going to keep him over night. We need you to get some rest and come check on him tomorrow." The nurse walked over to me. I didn't want to leave but I would have to be in my best condition for Trigger. I slowly nodded and walked to the car with Macey.

"You ok Kyle?" Macey asked after an awkward silence settled over us.

"Yeah, you wanna stay at my house?" I asked. I wanted her over, no, I need her over.

"Yeah." She smiled at me. I pulled up to my house and we walked in. We went to the living room and sat in silence as we watched the t.v. What is going to happen to us? If he doesnt make it, i dont know what i would do, he has been there for  me when no one else ever was. He was my best friend and I needed him.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Macey asked and looked at me.

"I was just thinking about Trigger." I said and shrugged.

"He's going to be ok." She assured me. We watched t.v for a bit longer before we both were having a yawning war.

"For heavens sake," She yawned. "Stop yawning!" She laughed.

"I dont," I yawned. "Mean to!" I laughed. Now, we were laughing. I yawned again and walked up to my room. I reached down and held Macey's hand as we walked up stairs. I laid her down an i laid down behid her, laying my arm across her waist, pulling her closer to me. I kissed her temple as we laid there, the darkness surrounding us.

I woke up and looked at the time, eleven in the morning. I slowly stood up, making sure i didnt wake Macey, and walked to my bathroom to take a shower. Once I got out, I changed, ran a brush through my hair, brushed my teeth, tossled my hair then i was out.

"Kyle?" Macey asked.

"Right here." I rushed to the side of the bed and held her hand.

"Mornin'." She giggled. I smiled and kissed her hand.

"I'm going to ake a shower." She said, got up and walked into the bathroom. I heard the water going when suddenly, the door bell rang. I walked downstairs and opened the door to the police.


Hello! First time with the whole Author's Notes things so bare with me! Anyways! I wanted to say sorry for the loooong wait, the spelling, grammer, ect, you get my point and that this chapter is very short. So... Sorry! Thanks for reading and I will work on an update soon!! :D

-Me :D

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