The Colied Of The People (My Weird Life Part Four)

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I enter Macey's room.

"Can you help me carry all of this down?" She asks, and I nod. I grab some bags, as does she. We carry them down.

"Oh here let me help." Mason and Ben come over and take some bags. Same does Carlie and Julia. We carry them out to the truck. I hopped in front and Macey did to, to give me directions. We drove down a road no one went on anymore. We pulled up at a huge house. They all hopped out and ran into the house.

Ahh, home sweet home." Ben smiled, as did the rest. I got out and walked up to help carry bags.

"Well I have to go back to Kyle's." Macey smiled once the bags were all inside.

"For what?" Ben wiggled his eye brows.

"What? Oh my God Ben, nock that stuff off!" Macey yelled. Ben Laughed.

"But no, seriously, what for?" Carlie asked.

"Well I am staying there with him," Macey said. "I will come back with June once she gets off of school, ok?"

"Yes I would love to see her." Carlie smiled.

"Bye Macey! Bye Kyle!" Julia came over and hugged us both.

"Bye." Macey and I said at the same time. We walked out to the car and I drove. Once we got home we went inside and sat on the couch.

"So, about that kiss," Macey asked, looking in my eyes. "What did it mean?" She asked slowly, carefully planning her words.

"Um." That's call I could manage.

"It's ok if you don't want to talk about it," She smiled. I smiled back. "I'm going to take a nap." She said. Today was Friday so we don't have to go to school in the morning, there for we could stay up late. She fell asleep her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and fell asleep my self. I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder.

"Come on sweetie, lets get you to your room." My mom whispered. I opened my eyes and slowly woke up Macey.

Macey? Come on we need to go to bed.

Ok, ok I'm up. Macey stood up and we went to our separate rooms. I fell face first on to my bed and I didn't dare to move. I fell asleep like that. Face down on my bed. When I woke up I was on my floor. I heard giggling.

"Uhh," I moaned. "What happened?" I asked and stood while rubbing my back.

"You fell out of your bed and never woke up." June laughed.

"Ohh." I rubbed my hand through my hair.

Are you awake yet? Macey entered my mind.

Yeah. Macey entered my room.

"Good morning," She smiled. "We should get a move on. You know over to Carlie's place."

"They're back!?" June bounced on her heels. Pure excitement crossed over her face.

"Yep," Macey said. "But you need to get ready." Macey led June to their bathroom. I went to mine and got ready.

"Ok you ready?" Macey asked me once I got out of my bathroom.

"Yeah," I nodded. We ran down stairs and ate breakfast real quick. "Hey mom, we are going to go meet up with some friends ok?" I asked as I zipped up my coat.

"Yeah sure honey." My mom nodded.

"OK thanks mom." I said and drove June and Macey over.

"I don't think it will be safe for you here right now." Macey whispered once June got out of the car.

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