Dad (My Weird Life Part Nine)

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She walked in a little more and Ran her fingers along the desk, looked at books, saw some of the pictures on the walls. I heard the bell.

"Lets get to class." Macey said, took my hand, and led me to Gym. I went into the locker room and un-locked my locker. I got out my shirt and shorts and changed into them. When I got out I went and got a basket ball. I got the ball and dribbled it across the gym then made a three pointer. Jack and Jacob ran up to me.

"Hey, you see Cassidy today?" Jack asked and looked at Cassidy, who was stretching.

"Dear god, Jack, come on and give some respect." I said.

"Hey, just because you cant look at girls, doesn't mean I can't." He smirked. I saw Macey hanging out with Kaya and the red head Cassidy.

"Not to mention Jacob's major crush on her." I said and Jacob pushed me but he was smiling.

"Mmm, hey Jack look at Kaya." Jacob said and pointed to her, Macey and her were jogging. Macey and Kaya jogged over here and grabbed Cassidy on the way.

"Hey Jack." Kaya said. He kind of waved.

"Hey Jacob." Cassidy said.

"Hey Cass." Jacob said.

"Haha, hey Kyle." Macey giggled.

"Come on guy's, lets go jogging." Kaya said and started jogging, Jack followed her, Cass followed him, Jacob followed her and Macey and I jogged side by side.

"Oh my god! Guys!" Macey made us all stop.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"We should have a party." She smirked.

"Yeah we could have it at my house." Jack said.

"Yeah, lets go talk to all of our friends." Jacob said and we split up. I went over to Tom, Bob, Fletcher, Shane, Cameron, Joe, Peter, and Jesse, which yes, Jesse is a guy. I told them to tell their friends and so on. I met up with Macey, Kaya, Cass, Jack, and Jacob.

"This is going to be the best party ever!" Jack said, then the bell rung. Macey took my hand and I waited at her locker for her then we went to my locker. I got my backpack and we went to the bus. Cassidy the glaring when we passed but we sat down and talked.

"June, Julia, Carlie, Ben and Mason want to see you." Macey said, I nodded slightly. The bus pulled up to my house, we got off and walked inside.

"There you guys are! One of the dogs down the street heard his owner saying that your dad is going to be here soon." Trigger said and hopped up onto my legs. I pet his head and walked to the living room. Macey looked at me with sympathy in her eyes. Trigger looked at her and I walked up to my room. I closed my door and went to my closet. I opened a little cubby and pulled out a box, I pulled out one of the photos and it was of my mom cradling me in her arms as a baby and my dad with his hand on her shoulder. I heard a knock on the door, so I rushed down. I ran to the door, even before Trigger made it, and opened the door. There stood the man that left me and my mom. His blonde shaggy hair brushed out of his have. His brown eyes looking like he barely even remembered me. He was wearing a grey shirt, some light jeans, and black shiny shoes.

"Hey Kyle." He said.

"Hi dad." Trigger bounded up, but didn't jump on him, instead he stayed by my side.

"Hey Trigger." My dad said. Trigger huffed and walked away. Macey walked in from the kitchen.

"Hello Mr. Weaver." Macey held her hand out and he shook it.

"Dad, this is Macey m-"

"His girlfriend." Macey smiled kindly. A smile spread across my dad's face.

"Well, we are going out to a party." I said and grabbed our coats.

"Ok." My dad said.

"We might not even be home tonight." I continue on.

"Ok." He said again.

"You can sleep in the guest room." I said and we left. I hop in my truck and tart it up.

"You want to go to your place first?" I ask.

"Sure." Macey smiles and I drive to her house. When we pull up, June and Julia run out to meet us. Mace hops out of the car and they both hug her. Then I step out, I was not expecting this, but they ran up and hugged me, both of them.

"I'm so sorry Kyle." June said.

"It's ok June," I kneeled down to her height, tears were in her eyes, I put my hands on her shoulder's and looked her in the eyes. "It's all ok." I whispered. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me, and I hugged her back. Julia ran up and hugged us both and giggled. I stood up and saw Carlie, Macey and Mason smiling at me.

"Hey well we've got to go to a party." Macey said, walked and stood next to me.

"Oh, a party?" Mason asked like he didn't approve. I saw Macey's face grow a little red as she answered.

"Yeah..." She let her voice trail off.

"Who all is going to be there?" Mason asked, crossing his arms.

"Just some friends..." She didn't even look at him.

"Well, ok." He said and waved us off.

"Really!?" She jumped up, ran up and hugged him. A smile slowly spread across his face as he hugged her back. Macey ran past me and grabbed my hand and sprinted towards my truck. I ran around, hopped in, started the engine and drove off once Macey was in. When we got to Jack's house I saw all the neon light flashing, his pool lit up to a bright neon blue. Macey and I gasped at the sight, then I saw all the people. It looked like the whole school came, I pulled up and parked along the street. Macey climbed out first, followed by me. I walked around and Macey held my hand as we walked through the gates that led to the party. Then I saw people running around, screaming and laughing, I even saw a couple of people running around with beer bottles.

"Beer?" Macey looked at me in shock. I shrugged and we went off to find Jack and Jacob.

"Hey ther you guyses arrr!" Jack stumbled up to us.

"Haaaaayyy, I misssssssssed you guyses!" Jacob sounded like a drunk snake.

"Are you guys drunk?" Macey asked.

"Whaaaaaaaat Nooooooooooo." Jack said as Kaya walked up.

"Kaya?" Macey asked in disbelief to see her best friend wasted to all heck. Then Cass walked up and hung onto Jacob like he was the last raft on the Titanic. "Cass!?" Macey shook her head in disappointment.

"Haaay guuuuurrrrlll!" Kaya said and hugged Macey, the smell of beer swept up into my nose so I backed up, I saw Macey literally gag upon the smell.

"Oh god Kyle, I didn't know there was beer." Macey said as Kaya and Cass went off With Jack and Jacob.

"Me neither." I said and looked around, everybody looked drunk.

"Hey want a cookie?" A girl walked up to Macey and I, she was about the only person left who didn't look like they chugged a whole carton of beer.

"Umm yeah sure." I said as Macey and I took one, when I bit into it my mouth was suddenly dry, then I coughed as I breathed in crumbs.

"Oh dear god, do you want some punch?" Macey asked, her voice sounded as dry as mine. I walked her over and we got some punch, we downed a whole glass before realizing the smell and the taste was off. My head started spinning a little bit and I felt woozy.

"Wanna go dance?" I slurred, I didn't want to go dance but it was almost like I had no control over me.

"Yeah." Macey grabbed my hand and led me over to where a band was playing. A girl walked around and handed everyone more punch. Macey and I downed another glass and I had no control to stop my self. I felt so care free, like I had nothing to worry about in the world. Then I lost track of time, I blacked out.

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