Wake Up Call

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My eyes opened slowly as the light flooded in, making my head ache only worse.

"Uhhh." I groaned and staggered to my feet, then I felt sick, I could taste the bile rising in my throat, I had no control and I threw up. Then I looked up, I could see the trees and the sky but I could not see the ground, then I realized I was on a roof.

"Uhhhh," I heard someone groan. "God, where am I?" It was Kaya who was on the roof with me.

"We're on a roof." I said and helped her to her feet.

"A roof? A roof where?" She looked at me and questioned.

"That I have clue, but I do know we have to get down and find what went down last night." I said and walked to the edge of the roof, my head feeling like it was full of rocks, and if I tilted my head to much, they would all come tumbling down to one side. I looked over the edge and saw people passed out on the yard. I walked back, picked up a plastic soda bottle, went back to the edge and threw it at Jack, where he was passed out on the lawn.

"Whoa!" He yelled and hopped to his feet only to fall right back down again. He looked up at me and Kaya.

"Bring a ladder." I called down to him, he ran off and came back with a ladder, he set it up against the side of the house and let us climb down. I let Kaya down first as I went looking around the roof for more unconscious people, well I didn't find any so I climbed down.

"Last night was AMAZING!!!!" Jacob stumbled out of the house, he had no shirt on and he was covered in silly string.

"What happened?" I asked,

"What? Do you mean you don't remember?" Jacob asked and staggered towards me.

"Umm yeah." I looked at him and creased my eye brows.

"Duuuuude it was the BEST PARTY EVER!!!" Jacob yelled and that stirred many people. Cass jogged/tripped up to us.

"Hey!" She said, came over and kissed Jacob. Once they broke apart, Jacob wrapped his arm around her as Jack wrapped his arm around Kaya. I kind of smirked then fear struck my heart.

"Where's Macey?" I asked in a rush and looked around.

"We have noooo clue man." Jacob said. I spun around towards them.

"You remember what happened last night, now you tell me where she is!" I spat at him.

"Coot it dude, I just don't know where she is." He put his hands up, more people were awake by now and were now gathering around all of us.

"Then you will help me look for her." I said and stormed off, I woke people up asking if they had seen Macey, all of them said no. Then I heard the t.v. on.

"Last night, local teens raided local pool and other places, police have took at least thirteen into custody." A woman on the news said. I didn't hesitate, I ran around the house real quick and didn't find Macey, so I went to the police station.

"How can I help you?" A guy at the front gate asked me.

"I'm looking for my friend, Macey." I said.

"A teen from last night?" He looked at me, question and suspicion on his face.

"No, yes, kind of." I said.

"Follow me." He said and kept his eyes on me the whole time as he led me to a place somewhere in the jail.

"We need Macey to come." The police officer said to another, the other one jogged down the hall and about two minutes later, came out with Macey.

"Kyle!" She yelled and ran up to me. I wrapped my arms around her as she hugged me.

"Ok, well are you going to take her? Or are we waiting for parents?" The policeman asked,

"I'll take her." I said.

"Ok, we need some ID and proof of your relation ship with her. Anyone who knows you guys are friends." The policeman told me. I gave him my drivers license and gave him Jack's number.

"Ok go on now." The policeman waved us off after giving me back my license. Macey held my hand as we walked back to my house. Once I got home I saw my dad on the phone.

"There you two are!" He ran over and looked us over. He looked a little bit confused but shook it off. Trigger ran up to us and hopped all over us and licked us.

"God, dad I feel horrible." I muttered and went to the couch, and I brought Macey with me. I laid down on the couch, I wanted to sleep this day off, then I heard a knock on the door. My dad stood up and answered it.

"Kyle, it's for you." my dad called from the front door.

"Stay here..." I said an stood up to go check who was at the door, it was Jack and Jacob.

"Hey, did you find her?" They asked, I glared at them.

"Yeah, why didn't you guys come help?" I asked and continued glaring.

"God Kyle, chill out man." Jacob stuck his hands up, and I was still glaring.

"Don't you even start with me," I grabbed their shirts and yanked them outside. "First you take me to a party and get me drunk, then you know Macey is missing but you don't seem to give a crap, then you make me go out alone and find her, then you show up at my house asking if I found her!" My voice steadily rising the whole time.

"God, fine, we will just leave." Jack sayd and I let go of them.

"I'm sorry guys, im just in a crappy mood..." I said and sigh.

"Yo bro, it's ok just... We will see you later." They said and walked off. I walked back inside and was confronted by my dad.

"So, what did they want?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Nothing." I said and tried to go past him, he stepped in my way and blocked me.

"What did they want?" He asked again.

"Nothing." I said and glared at him.

"You got one more chance boy, what did they want?" I saw the fury in his eyes. He hated me and I hated him.

"Nothing." I spat. He swung up his hand and slapped me across my face. In shock, I swung my fist up and caught him in the nose, I felt it break under my hand. The blood slowly trickled down his face as he touched his nose.

"Boy!" He yelled, grabbed my hair and threw me against the stairs. My head slapped against the stairs and I felt the stairs cut me. I stood up ad felt my head where I had been cut. Macey ran into the room.

"Girl, get the hell out of here before I kick your sorry butt!" My dad yelled at her as she rushed to my side.

"Macey, just go," I said, she shook her head. "Macey go." I said one more time.

I'm not going to let you get hurt, now go.  I said, she ran out the door past my dad and ran to her house.

"Boy you get the hell up to your room before I kick you up there!" My dad yelled at me.

"Make me." I said and glared. He grabbed my hair and threw me at the stairs again. I stood up and tripped him. He fell to the ground and I sat on top of him and punched him many times in the face before standing up. He stood up and slapped me again, slammed my head into a wall, and threw me to the ground. I stood, dizzy from the concussion, and punched my dad one more time in the face, knocking him out, then I continued to call the police. They arrived and took my dad away, unconscious in all off his 'glory'. Then I realized I couldn't find Trigger.

"Trigger!" I called out. I heard a far off bark and I ran into the woods to find him. "Trigger! Keep barking!" I yelled out and continued to run. The barks were closer but were hushed. Then I found him. Cuts all over his body, one of his legs broken, hand marks around his neck from being choked. I kneeled down next to him.

"Oh my god, what happened!?!?" I asked as I franticly undid the rope that bound him to the tree.

"Your dad." Trigger yelped.

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