Buggs Bunny

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I look at the girl standing in front of me. Grey eyes covered in a jet black winged eyeliner with a peach eyeshadow that makes them pop. Rosy cheeks with a warm pink toned lipstick adding color to the face.

I look amazing and that is saying something considering the fact that I think hot cheetos are more desirable than me.

" Ava are your read- oh my god, you look stunning!" Squeals my sister who is looking like a goddess as she walks into my room.

Her hair is perfectly curled as mine is naturally straight. Bright red lipstick stains her lips as her cheeks are light pink and her gold eyeshadow with liner makes her blue eyes look electric.

" Thank you, you look amazing as well" I compliment her and she smiles sweetly.

We quickly slip into our death traps that are also known as heels. The stairs have never been more of an obstacle as they are now in these heels.

If I die at least I die glamorously. We reach the bottom of our grand stair case and see other girls lined up looking beautiful as ever ready to go to the ball.

" Okay ladies you all look amazing as ever but the king waits for no one, so let's go" Says my dad as he rushes everyone out the door into the limousines.

Before we can head out the door, Dad grabs our arms and takes one good look at us.

" Curse my good genes and beauty for giving me such gorgeous daughters" He says as he pulls us in for a hug.

" They get their stubbornness from you, the beauty is all me" My mom cuts in as she pulls my dad away and engulfs us in a bone crushing hug.

" Okay, we have to go now, bye love birds" Raven says as she basically dragged me out the house to the limousine.

" I am so excited" Raven says with a huge smile. She has not been able to sit still for the past fifteen minutes since the driver pulled out of our drive way.

" Calm down Buggs Bunny" I laugh as she glares at me fore using her nickname.

As a kid she has these two huge front teeth and loved carrots. The teeth she grew out of but not the carrots nor her nickname.

After about twenty more minutes of driving we finally reach the castle. It was breathtaking.

The castle was as white as milk with golden edges and designs surrounding it and covering parts of it with gold roses layered on top as if it were a blanket. The main gates were completely gold and designed as if they were thorns and roses put together to make a door.

I'm the front of the castle was a huge garden with a fountain in the middle. Around the garden were two pathways on each sides to reach the main gates.

If anything I am in love with who ever created this masterpiece. The inside must be breathtaking too.

After getting out the limousine and thanking our drivers we wait on the other girls and enter the castle.

The pack girls go first and Raven and me walked in behind them last.

The inside was beautiful enough to make someone cry.

High ceilings held chandeliers that lit up the place like the Fourth of July. The room was covered in golden titles with not a speck of dirt. The walls were not even walls. One was a door leading to a balcony half the size of the ball room.

To my left was a whole buffet that made my mouth water like a river. The smell of different kinds of food and sweets encased my nose and I stood there taking it in. The freshly baked sweet bread called me name as did its sweet scent.

In the middle of the room were men and women of young age with their dates or friends. They are all here to find their mate even if it may not be the king.

I walk further into the ball room as my pack members spread out to enjoy themselves.

In the front of the room is a throne. Three red velvet covered chairs with golden wood outlines sit there. One for the king, one for the queen and soon to be king, their son.

Snapping me out of my thoughts is the king. He walks on stage with the queen by his side. He is a good looking man even for his age. Salt and pepper hair covers his head and his sea blue eyes shine bright. He has very little wrinkles on his face for a man in his late forties and early fifties.

The queen looks beautiful as ever. Her midnight blue plain silk gown makes her light brown eyes pop and her golden silky hair reaches up to her waist. Her skin is as pure as milk as her bright white smile lights up the room.

" Thank you for coming tonight, as you know I have held this ball for my son and you future king, Alexander to find his mate and your future queen. Let's bring him up here" Says the King cheerfully as the room roars in applause for the prince and soon to be king to walk on stage.

The whole rooms attention turns to the right of the throne as a very handsome man walks on stage. I had heard the stories about how handsome Prince Alexander is but this, this is something else. He looks like a Greek god , actually he puts them to shame too.

He is a tall very muscular built man. His neck is covered in tattoos that I am pretty sure goes down his whole body. His sharp jawline and five o clock shadow makes his aura dark and mysterious. His dark green eyes are surrounded by thick dark brown lashes that match his hair. You can practically see his abs through his black suit.

It is actually sad how he is so attractive yet known for no mercy. Royal councils fear his anger. His family is all that makes his heart warm, or so I have heard.

As he walks up I can't help but stare at him. It is a gorgeous sight to see. Suddenly a calming sandalwood and forest scent invades my nostrils and makes my heat beat frantically. What is that smell?

As if sensing me, Prince Alexander looks through the crowds searching for something or someone. After scanning the whole room nearly his eyes meet mine. Those once green eyes are dark and covered in lust.

" Mate"


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