Chapter 10: Finding Out

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Chapter Ten

Hilary woke up in a room with white wallpaper. A nurse was standing next to her writing something on a paper clipped to a clipboard. Hilary was wearing a white hospital gown. Hilary tried to sit up but when she did her side ached so she lied back down.

“Please don’t try to sit up,” said the nurse not looking up from the clipboard.

Hilary looked around the room. Her sister was sitting in a chair in the corner crying. Aggie was standing over her rubbing her back. Aggie’s eyes were red and puffy- probably from crying. Hilary looked at the other side of the room. Kat, Bella, and Lorena were standing together silent.

Hilary was so tired and confused.

“W-what’s going on?” she asked.

Everyone looked at her with worry in their eyes.

“Hilary Maxon,” the nurse said looking up from the clipboard. “The hospital of Gastonia is sorry to inform that you have Pancreatic Cancer.”

“What?” Hilary said, her mouth hanging open.

Brianna started to cry louder.

Hilary felt tears forming in her eyes. Suddenly she burst out crying. Then Aggie started. Soon Kat, Bella, and Lorena joined with them.

“Is there any cure?” Hilary asked between sobs.

“Well there are many therapies you will go through. There are also surgaries you will go through.”

“What kind of therapy?” Brianna asked.

“A therapy called palliative therapy. This therapy is used to ease symptoms and manage pain. It helps with not just the body, but the mind and spirit too. Also radiation therapy. Radiation therapy uses high powered radiation to kill cancer cells ”

The sobs got louder.

“What can we do to help?” Aggie asked.

“Well smoking a definite no during this cancer.”

“I have never smoked.” Hilary informed the nurse.

“That is good. Also during Pancreatic Cancer you need to eat as healthy as possible.”

“Okay,” said Hilary, trying to take it all in.

It was all so sudden. Hilary could not believe she had cancer. Out of all the people in the world the cancer chose her. Why?

“I need you to answer a few questions for me Hilary,” the nurse said.

Hilary nodded.

The nurse first asked her questions about her age, height, the mandatory questions. Then she started asking questions about Hilary’s disease.

“How long has your stomach been hurting you?”

“I’d say about three months.”

“Three months?” exclaimed Brianna. “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have has the looked at quickly!”

“You could have at least told me,” Aggie said with a sigh.

The nurse scribbled something on a paper and looked up.

“What do you usually eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?” she asked.

“For breakfast I have waffles and a smoothie and dinner for dinner I have a meat, vegetable, and a grain. I also always have dessert.”

“What about lunch?” the nurse asked.

“I usually… skip lunch.”

The nurse scribbled and asked again.

“Do you ever exercise?”

“No, I never exercise.”

Scribble, write.

The nurse asked more questions about Hilary’s daily life. Hilary would answer. At the very end the nurse told Hilary she was not to leave home unless she was going to appointments. Hilary stayed the night at the hospital and after everyone had left Hilary said a prayer.

God be with me through the next few years. Be with me during my surgeries and therapies. Give me the strength and healthiness to get back on the feet soon.


Hilary cried herself to sleep that night.

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