Chapter 4: Dinner Time

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Chapter Four

When Hilary and Aggie would get home from the pet store it was usually 6:30. They’d say goodnight and go back to their own homes. Dinner was at eight so Hilary would work on coronation planning until then. At eight they would all be called in for dinner. Dinner was always a roller coaster. They would go into the family dining room- Hilary, Brianna, Cody and sit at the long table. At the end of the table sat Brianna, Hilary to her left, and Cody to her right. For dinner tonight Chef Argenti was serving sausage, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. Chef Argenti was like Hilary’s father. Since she loved to cook she spent a lot of time in the kitchen where Chef taught her new dishes.

When the Maxon’s sat down for dinner they were always prepared for anything. They sat down and said grace since they were Christian. Then they dug in! Cody talked and talked about his day and how he shot the three pointer and made it.

“That’s very nice Cody,” said Brianna cutting her sausage.

“Yeah, that’s awesome!” Hilary said in between bites of asparagus, “Today I went to help at animal shelter and read to the kids at the park.”.

“Hilary! Don’t eat with your mouth full and stop talking about yourself all the time!” Brianna scolded her sister.

“But Cody was just ta-” Hilary declared

“Uh! Not another word!” Brianna yelled

Hilary slouched in her chair but instantly sat up straight again when she felt a pain in her belly. For a while she had been getting pains there but she didn’t mention it to anybody. But it had been getting worse and worse over the weeks.

Hilary look at her plate, which had no food on it.

“Hey!” said Hilary looking around, “Where’s my food?”

All eyes shot to Cody, whose face was stuffed with food.

“Brianna!” Hilary complained, “Cody took my dinner. Again!”

“Cody, that is very rude. Apologize to your sister.”

“Sorry,” Cody coughed while chewing

Hilairy waited for Brianna to scold Cody for talking with food in his mouth but nothing happened. Sometimes Hilairy didn’t get Brianna.

“Can I at least get another serving?” Hilary asked with her eyebrows raised.

“I guess,” said Brianna “Chef?!”

Chef came out of the kitchen, his hands folded.

“Yes Madam Brianna?” he said in his strong italian accent.

“May we please get another serving of sausage and asparagus of Madam Hilary?”

“But of course!” he said with a wide smile, “Cody again?”

We all nodded glaring at Cody.

A few minutes later Chef came out with a fresh plate of sausage, mashed potatoes, and asparagus for Hilary.

“So,” Hilary started “How was your day Brianna?”

“Well I helped and worked all day on your coronation. You are lucky I am here to help you.”

“Oh yes,” Hilary said sarcastically, “Oh so lucky.”

While they were talking Cody tried to take Hilary’s sausage when she wasn’t looking. That little sneak! Luckily Hilary caught him midway as he was putting it in his mouth.

“CODY! Hand it to me right now!” Hilary demanded

Cody threw the sausage which bumped off of her head and landed on the floor.

Hilary started yelling at the top of her lungs about how her brother was annoying and was going to get fat from eating all of her food. Then Cody stood up and ran around the table going “LA! LA! LA!”

“STOP!” yelled Brianna so loud you could hear it from miles away. “I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU GUYS! NOW GO TO YOUR ROOMS THIS INSTANT!”

Hilary hated it when the mother came out of Brianna.Hilary and Cody sulked to their rooms while Brianna sat at the table finishing her dinner in peace- something she barely got.

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