Chapter 11: Hope Is Key

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Chapter Eleven

After a week Hilary went back to the castle. It wasn’t much different from the hospital though. She would lie in bed reading or sleeping. If she needed something she would call. Someone would come in every once in a while to feed her. This day was different though.

The door opened slowly to Hilary’s room and Brianna came in. She sat carefully on Hilary’s bed and looked down at her own lap.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hey,” Hilary said awkwardly.

There was a silence for a  moment and then Brianna burst into tears. Hilary tried to sit up but couldn’t. Every now and then Brianna would start to cry and Hilary wouldn’t know what to do. Whenever Brianna would start to cry in front of Cody, Cody would stare for a minute then start to cry too. He knew cancer was serious. Just not so serious death might happen.

Brianna’s sobs got louder and louder.

“Are you okay?” Hilary asked.

“No,” Brianna said, looking at her with puffy eyes. “I don’t want to lose another one!”

“What do you mean?”

“I have already lost a mom and dad. I can’t lose a sister.”

“I know but we can’t think about all the negative things. We have to

think positive.”

“What positive?! What good can come out of this?”

“I don’t know but you have to. Dry those tears.”

Brianna rubbed her eyes and Hilary continued.

“This is a hard time for us. But bumps in the road happen to everybody!

Some bumps are big and some are small. No one can choose the things that happen to them. We have to go with the flow. We just have to have hope. Hope is key.”

Brianna chuckled. “Look at you. Youv’e grown so much.” She got up from the bed. “Well I’m going to go and hope for the good.” As she was walking out the door she turned around. “I almost forgot!” she said smiling. And she ran out.

Three minutes later she came back with a big pink box and and turquoise bow. “Happy birthday Hilary.” she said handing the box to her sister.

Hilary took off the top of the box carefully. Inside was a small chocolate brown puppy. Hilary gasped.

“A puppy!” she said with a huge smile. Then she looked at her sister and squinted. “What’s the catch?” she asked.

“No catch. I think you deserve it,” her sister said proudly.

“Wow thank you!” Hilary said hugging her sister. “Is it a boy or a girl?”

“She is a girl. And you get to choose the name? What name do you like?”

With no hesitation Hilary answered with a smile.

“Hope. Hope Maxon.”

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